Hello World code in VHDL for the Red Pitaya board
Luis Villaseñor
License: GPLv3
Date: 2016-03-11
Create a new project with Vivado (tested with Vivado v2015.4)
see http://www.xilinx.com/support/download.html
Add the code to a new project and proceed to run Synthesis, Implementation and Bitstream Generation
The *.bit file generated can be converted to *.bin format with the fpga_bit_to_bin.py script taken from
Transfer the HelloWorld.bin to the Red Pitaya and type
cat HelloWorld.bin > /dev/xdevcfg
The 8-bit LEDs will display a binary incremental counter at a rate of 1Hz
Reboot the Red Pitaya board to reinstall the permanent bitstream on the Zynq FPGA