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Sue edited this page Aug 7, 2024 · 27 revisions


To run support-frontend in DEV:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Get membership Janus credentials for authentication to S3
  3. Run from support-frontend/support-frontend to install dependencies - note this requires nvm
  4. Run from support-frontend/support-frontend to fetch config
  5. Run from support-frontend/support-frontend to run the Play and webpack proxy servers
  6. Open in your browser to view the site


We recommend installing nvm to easily switch between versions of node.

support-frontend has a number of dependencies, such as java8, sbt, node, nginx. These can all be installed by running from the sub-project.

Is support-frontend the first Guardian app you are running locally?

You can try the following steps if you run into trouble.

  • We have a convention of keeping config for Guardian apps in the /etc/gu directory. Make sure you have that directory and that you can write config to it.
  • If doesn't load anything you might need to add the following line inside /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:
    http {
        include sites-enabled/*;
  • Restart nginx (sudo may be necessary): nginx -s stop and nginx
  • If stops abruptly telling you about a node version, try running nvm install to install the version of node support-frontend uses, then run again.
  • Try creating the /usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-enabled directory manually if it doesn't exist. The error for the directory not existing may say "you don't have permission" too.
  • If you're on a mac, we recommend OpenJDK and the setup script currently just points you to, so try going there and installing the JDK before running because for example, the script code to setup sbt relies on the JDK being installed.
  • is meant to install homebrew and then use it to install some dependencies. If you have run and then entering brew -v at the command prompt just gives you brew: command not found, you might try doing the homebrew install step manually (see the homebrew link above for homebrew installation info)


This project uses shared config from the support-config library, as well as pulling in private config from S3.

Download config from S3 by running from the project root.


In /conf/DEV.public.conf, if while developing locally you are not relying on Identity API in CODE you can set identity.useStub=true to get stubbed responses.


In local development, the base app server has two layers of proxy sitting on top it:

  1. Play/Scala app server - the main app server, accessed at http://localhost:9210/ (this will appear as a blank page)
  2. webpack-dev-server - a proxy providing compilation of client-side code and auto-refreshing, accessed at http://localhost:9211/
  3. Nginx - a proxy adding HTTPS and a unified domain with other Guardian projects, accessed at

You need all 3 of these running to have a working development environment, which you access in your browser at

This can be done by running from support-frontend\support-frontend to run the Play and webpack proxy servers

Alternatively you can run them separately as follows

  1. sudo nginx
  2. nvm use
  3. yarn devrun

And in a separate window

  1. sbt
  2. support-frontend / devrun


NGINX error messages

nginx has some unhelpful error messages. Here are some translations:

When stopping/reloading nginx

nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/var/run/" failed (2: No such file or directory)

This means nginx is not running. And nginx -s reload will not automatically start nginx if it's not running.

When starting nginx

nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (48: Address already in use)

This means nginx is already running.

nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "" in [some/path]/support.conf:16

This means nginx doesn't know what to do with the websocket proxy setting in the support site conf file. You can resolve this by running dev-nginx add-to-hosts-file

Node/NPM/Yarn errors

When installing

Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: [OS version] with Node [Node version]

This can usually be solved by running npm rebuild node-sass (although we generally use yarn, there is no yarn equivalent for rebuilding C/C++ bindings for Node). If necessary nuking your node_modules folder with rm -rf node_modules and re-running yarn install can help.

When running the dev server

Sometimes the Webpack process can run out of memory and crash when rebuilding, usually after a major change like switching to a different branch. If you're experiencing this issue, try setting a higher limit for Node's memory heap size by adding the following to your shell config file (.zshrc/.bash_profile/etc):

export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8192

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