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Lambdas for maintaining sign-ups to support reminder messages.

Users can sign up for reminders from e.g. the epic, the contributions thank you page, MMA. The sign-up data is stored in Postgres and a snapshot of the next reminder per user is sent to Braze.

Architecture diagram.


A lambda integrated with a couple of API gateway POST endpoints (/create/one-off, /create/recurring).

A client request includes an email address, which the lambda uses to fetch the user's identity ID if it exists, or creates an identity guest account.

The sign-up data is then persisted to Postgres.


A lambda for generating the snapshot of reminders for the current month. Runs on a daily schedule.

It produces a next_reminders.csv, which is exported to an S3 bucket in the ophan account. From there it is sent to a BigQuery table which is used for ingestion into Braze.


A lambda for generating the snapshot of newly created and cancelled signups. Runs on a daily schedule, exporting all created/cancelled signups from the previous day.

It produces a one-off-signups.csv and recurring-signups.csv, which are exported to an S3 bucket in the ophan account. From there they are sent to a BigQuery table which can be queried for analysis.

Running the tests

To run the test locally, you'll want to connect to a local version of postgres. The easiest way to install that is with

brew install postgresql

followed by

brew services start postgresql

This process should have created a postgres user with the same name as your macos user. The next thing to do is to create the test database, you can do that by running


followed by (you can actually call the database whatever you'd like)

CREATE DATABASE "support-reminders-test";

If this doesn't work, you might want to try running createdb (outside of your psql session).

Finally to set up your environment variables, make a copy of the .env.example

cp .env.example .env

and fill it in. The default user through homebrew will be your macos name, the password can be left blank, and the url will look something like (swap out support-reminders-test if you gave your database a different name)


Remember to run nvm use before running the tests.

Connecting to the contributions store database

Follow set up instructions in the contributions-platform repo.