cat /etc/version
screen /dev/tty.usbserial-A402IWCC 115200 -L
curl -o /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf curl -o /etc/opkg/intel-iotdk.conf curl -o /etc/opkg/mraa-upm.conf
opkg update opkg upgrade
wget && tar xvf nano-2.2.6.tar.gz && cd nano-2.2.6 && ./ configure && make && make install
#Alternate Flashing Method
- Install Homebrew by running the command
type/run: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install dfu-util, coreutils, and gnu-getopt
type/run: brew install dfu-util coreutils gnu-getopt
- Download and extract Edison Image (Step 1 and 2 need to be done only once on the MAC OS X host)
- Extract the contents of the pre-built Edison image
- In your terminal change to the directory where you extracted the linux image. Example: your directory may be different
type/run: cd ~/Downloads/edison-image-ww36-14
- Run the flashall script and then plug usb cable into board
type/run: ./
- Note: The script can take up to 5 minutes to complete the flashing