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File metadata and controls

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Openmaize with new Phoenix project

Create new phoenix project

Run the following commands (replace alibaba with the name of your project):

mix alibaba
cd alibaba

Edit the database configuration

Edit the database configuration, changing the username and password in the config/dev.exs and config/test.exs files.

If you have sed installed, you can do this by running the following commands:

sed -i 's/username: "postgres"/username: "dev"/g' config/dev.exs config/test.exs
sed -i 's/password: "postgres"/password: System.get_env("POSTGRES_PASS")/g' config/dev.exs config/test.exs

Add openmaize to deps and applications

  1. Add openmaize to your mix.exs dependencies

    defp deps do
      [{:openmaize, "~> 2.2"}]
  2. List :openmaize as an application dependency

    def application do
      [applications: [:logger, :openmaize]]
  3. Run mix deps.get

Create the Openmaize authorization and user model files

For a basic setup, run the following command:

mix openmaize.gen.phoenixauth

If you want to add email confirmation and password resetting, add the --confirm option:

mix openmaize.gen.phoenixauth --confirm

There is also a no-html option if you do not want to generate any html files.

Create the database and run the migration

mix ecto.setup

Customize the Phoenix app

If you ran the mix openmaize.gen.phoenixauth command with the --confirm option, you will need to edit the lib/name_of_your_project/mailer.ex file, using an email library of your choice.

To see which routes are available, you can run mix phoenix.routes, and to start the server, run mix phoenix.server. For tests, run mix test.