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Clojure library for translating url into a pg-sql query


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Clojure library for translating URL into a pg-sql query using honey.sql. Query your Postgres database using URL syntax or use it for HTTP search on your restful API.


(ns user
   [rest-query.core :as rq])

(rq/url->query url queryps)

;; note: including some info for conciseness
;;  :url
;;  /Person
;;    ?fname=john
;;    &lname=doe
;;    &gender=M
;;    &age=35
;;    &org-name=MyOrg
;;    &sort:desc=created
;;    &page-start=0
;;    &page-size=5
;;  :sql
;;  SELECT person.* 
;;  FROM Person AS person 
;;  INNER JOIN JSONB_EXTRACT_PATH(resource, 'name') AS resource_name ON TRUE 
;;  INNER JOIN JSONB_EXTRACT_PATH(resource_name, 'given') AS fname ON TRUE 
;;  INNER JOIN JSONB_EXTRACT_PATH(resource_name, 'family') AS lname ON TRUE 
;;  INNER JOIN JSONB_EXTRACT_PATH(resource, 'gender') AS gender ON TRUE 
;;  INNER JOIN JSONB_EXTRACT_PATH(resource, 'age') AS age ON TRUE 
;;  INNER JOIN JSONB_EXTRACT_PATH(resource, 'organization') AS org ON TRUE 
;;  INNER JOIN Organization AS org_entity ON CONCAT('/Organization/', = CAST(org AS TEXT) 
;;  INNER JOIN JSONB_EXTRACT_PATH(org_entity.resource, 'name') AS org_name ON TRUE 
;;  WHERE (CAST(fname_elem AS TEXT) LIKE ?) 
;;    AND (CAST(lname AS TEXT) LIKE ?) 
;;    AND (CAST(gender AS TEXT) = ?) 
;;    AND (CAST(age AS DECIMAL) = ?) 
;;    AND (CAST(org_name AS TEXT) LIKE ?) 
;;  ORDER BY created DESC 

Query Params Metadata

(def queryps
  [{:code :filters/text
    :name "fname"
    :path [{:field "resource"}
           {:field "name"}
           {:field "given", :coll true, :alias "fname"}]}

   {:code :filters/text
    :name "lname"
    :path [{:field "resource"}
           {:field "name"}
           {:field "family", :alias "lname"}]}

   {:code :filters/keyword
    :name "gender"
    :path [{:field "resource"}
           {:field "gender", :alias "gender"}]}

   {:code :filters/number
    :name "age"
    :path [{:field "resource"}
           {:field "age", :alias "age"}]}

   {:code :filters/text
    :name "org-name"
    :path [{:field "resource"}
           {:field "organization", :link "/Organization/id", :alias "org"}
           {:field "resource"}
           {:field "name", :alias "org-name"}]}

   {:code :page/sort
    :name "sort"
    :default "created"}

   {:code :page/offset
    :name "page-start"
    :default 0}

   {:code :page/limit
    :name "page-size"
    :default 128}])

Postgres database tables

| id | resource                            |
| 1  | {                                   |
|    |   "type": "Person",                 |
|    |   "name": {                         |
|    |     "given": ["John", "M."],        |
|    |     "family": "Doe"},               |
|    |   },                                |
|    |   "gender": "M",                    |
|    |   "age": 35,                        |
|    |   "organization": "/Organization/1" |
|    | }                                   |

| id | name             |
| 1  | "MyOrganization" |

Reference [wip]

(rq/url->query url queryps)

;; Convert url string into a query map. The query map includes: 
;; {:hash "..."
;;  :page [...]
;;  :total [...]}
;; `:hash` is a checksum of the page query without the parameters 
;; values so user can cache query for performance or mapping purpose.
;; `:page` is a honey.sql query vector, for the query page 
;; including `LIMIT` & `OFFSET`.
;; `:total` is the same query as the `:page` with `SELECT COUNT(*)` 
;; and without pagination filters like `LIMIT` and `OFFSET`.
(rq/make-query url-map queryps)

;; Convert url-map string into a query map. 
;; Convenience overload for cases where url 
;; has been already parsed, by example: in 
;; a ring handler.
(rq/make-sql-map url-map queryps)

;; Convert url-map into a honey.sql sql-map 
;; for manipulation.


The path is the route to the property inside the table, starting with the table column and continuing with each property in deep until the desired property is reached. Can filter resources based on referenced entities by specifying :link "/<table>/<column>" in the path component, the convention for references is: /<type>/<id>. Linked entities can be used only for narrowing results not for bringing additional data as part of the principal resource. By default, an alias is generated concatenating field names, a custom alias can be specified though.

key required default example
field yes {:field "name"}
coll false {:field "contacts", :coll true}
filter {:field "contacts", :coll true, :filter {:type "email"}}
alias {:field "firstName", :alias :fname}
link {:field "org", :link "/Organization/id"}


The query parameter should be marked with a :code, the value of this code instructs the library to cast, filter, order and limit results accordingly.

code query-string translated to status
:filters/text &name=john WHERE CAST(name AS TEXT) like '%john%' ready
:filters/keyword &gender=M WHERE CAST(gender AS TEXT) = 'M' ready
:page/sort &sort=created ORDER BY created ready
:filters/number &age=35 WHERE CAST(age AS DECIMAL) = 35 partial
:page/offset &page-start=0 OFFSET 0 ready
:page/limit &page-size=128 LIMIT 128 ready
:filters/url planned
:filters/date planned


Depending on the type of data being filtered, an operation may be desirable in order to adjust data manipulation behaviour. The operation syntax convention is: <param>:<op>=<val> where <op> is the operation code.

code desc example
eq equals &age:eq=35
lt less than &age:lt=2
le less than or equal &age:le=2
gt greater than &age:gt=21
ge greater than or equal &age:ge=21
desc order by descending &sort:desc=created
asc order by ascending &sort:asc=created

Queryp default

The :default property can be used to specify value in case you wanted to include an additional queryp even if not present in the url. Default value can be either a raw value, a vector of value or a vector with an operation as head and additional items as value.

type example
raw value {:code :page/limit, :default 128}
vector of values {:code :filters/keyword, :default ["read" "write"]}
vector with op {:code :filters/number, :default [:op/eq 1 2 3]}
{:code :filters/number, :default ["op/eq" 1 2 3]}


  • (util/gen-queryps map): generate queryps from sample data map in order to help user creating queryp metadata
  • (rq/url->query url {:queryps queryps, :op-map op-map}): ability to provide operators mapping, so user can use custom operators