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Small, simple and opinionated JWT token validator for Scala.

README of v1.x.x

You're reading the README of the v2.x.x of the lib.
To read the doc of the v1, see here


Provide a very simple API to help people do JWT token validation correctly.

This project uses Nimbus JOSE + JWT ( to validate JWT tokens. The aim of this project is not, and will never be, to provide a Scala interface to Nimbus JOSE + JWT.

I chose Nimbus JOSE + JWT because it seems to be audited and battle-tested.

The code size is small in order to be as readable as possible, so as free of bugs as possible.


libraryDependencies += "com.guizmaii" %% "scala-nimbus-jose-jwt" % "2.0.0"


The API is very simple:

import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet

final case class JwtToken(content: String)
final case class InvalidToken(cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(cause.getMessage, cause)

trait JwtValidator {
  def validate(jwtToken: JwtToken): Either[InvalidToken, JWTClaimsSet]

Available API implementations

1. ConfigurableJwtValidator

The more flexible implementation of the JwtValidator interface.

It only requires a JWKSource instance and a JWTClaimsSetVerifier[SecurityContext] instance.

For more information on the different JWKSource implementations Nimbus provides, look at the classes in the com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.source package here:

For more information on how to create a JWTClaimsSetVerifier[SecurityContext], which is the interface provided by nimbus-jose-jwt to declare your claims validation rules, see validating-jwt-access-tokens#claims

Example of use:

import com.guizmaii.scalajwt.{InvalidToken, JwtToken, JwtValidator}
import com.guizmaii.scalajwt.implementations.ConfigurableJwtValidator

import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.source.{JWKSource, RemoteJWKSet}
import com.nimbusds.jose.proc.SecurityContext
import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet
import com.nimbusds.jwt.proc.JWTClaimsSetVerifier

val jwtValidator: JwtValidator = {
  val jwkSource: JWKSource[SecurityContext] = 
    new RemoteJWKSet(new URL(s"https://<>/.well-known/jwks.json"))

  val claimsSetVerifier: JWTClaimsSetVerifier[SecurityContext] =
    new DefaultJWTClaimsVerifier[SecurityContext](
      new JWTClaimsSet.Builder().issuer("...").build(),
  ConfigurableJwtValidator(keySource = jwkSource, claimsVerifier = claimsSetVerifier)

val token: JwtToken = JwtToken(content = "...")
val result: Either[InvalidToken, JWTClaimsSet] = jwtValidator.validate(token)

For more information on JWKs, you can read:

Other constructor parameters are:

  • algorithm: SupportedJWSAlgorithm = RS256
    (Optional) The algorithm used to decode tokens.
    Default is RS256.

  • maybeCtx: Option[SecurityContext] = None
    (Optional) Security context.
    Default is null (no Security Context).

2. AWS Cognito JWT Validator

You can read which properties of the JWT token are validated by this implementation in the documentation of the AwsCognitoJwtValidator.scala file.
It follows the AWS documentation recommandations.

Example of use:

import com.guizmaii.scalajwt.{InvalidToken, JwtToken, JwtValidator}
import com.guizmaii.scalajwt.implementations.{AwsCognitoJwtValidator, CognitoUserPoolId, S3Region}

import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet

val awsCognitoJwtValidator: JwtValidator = {
  val s3Region          = S3Region(value = "eu-west-1")
  val cognitoUserPoolId = CognitoUserPoolId(value = "...")
  AwsCognitoJwtValidator(s3Region, cognitoUserPoolId)

val jwtToken = JwtToken(content = "...")
val result: Either[InvalidToken, JWTClaimsSet] = jwtValidator.validate(token)

An additional constructor is provided.
This second constructor allows you to add more contraints and/or to replace the default JWTClaimsSetVerifier used by the implementation:

import com.guizmaii.scalajwt.{InvalidToken, JwtToken, JwtValidator}
import com.guizmaii.scalajwt.implementations.{AwsCognitoJwtValidator, CognitoUserPoolId, S3Region}

import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet

val awsCognitoJwtValidator: JwtValidator = {
  val s3Region          = S3Region(value = "eu-west-1")
  val cognitoUserPoolId = CognitoUserPoolId(value = "...")
  def customiseDefaultJWTClaimsSetVerifier(default: DefaultJWTClaimsVerifier[SecurityContext]): JWTClaimsSetVerifier[SecurityContext] = ??? // To implement
  AwsCognitoJwtValidator(s3Region, cognitoUserPoolId, customiseDefaultJWTClaimsSetVerifier)

val jwtToken = JwtToken(content = "...")
val result: Either[InvalidToken, JWTClaimsSet] = jwtValidator.validate(token)

3. Auth0 JWT Validator

You can read which properties of the JWT token are validated by this implementation in the documentation of the Auth0JwtValidator.scala file.
It follows the Auth0 documentation recommandations.

Example of use:

import com.guizmaii.scalajwt.{InvalidToken, JwtToken, JwtValidator}
import com.guizmaii.scalajwt.implementations.{Auth0Audience, Auth0Domain, Auth0JwtValidator}

import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet

val auth0JwtValidator: JwtValidator = {
  val auth0Domain   = Auth0Domain(value = "...")
  val auth0Audience = Auth0Audience(value = "...")
  Auth0JwtValidator(auth0Domain, auth0Audience)

val jwtToken = JwtToken(content = "...")
val result: Either[InvalidToken, JWTClaimsSet] = jwtValidator.validate(token)

An additional constructor is provided.
This second constructor allows you to add more contraints and/or to replace the default JWTClaimsSetVerifier used by the implementation:

import com.guizmaii.scalajwt.{InvalidToken, JwtToken, JwtValidator}
import com.guizmaii.scalajwt.implementations.{Auth0Audience, Auth0Domain, Auth0JwtValidator}

import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet

val auth0JwtValidator: JwtValidator = {
  val auth0Domain   = Auth0Domain(value = "...")
  val auth0Audience = Auth0Audience(value = "...")

  def customiseDefaultJWTClaimsSetVerifier(default: DefaultJWTClaimsVerifier[SecurityContext]): JWTClaimsSetVerifier[SecurityContext] = ??? // To implement

  Auth0JwtValidator(auth0Domain, auth0Audience, customiseDefaultJWTClaimsSetVerifier)

val jwtToken = JwtToken(content = "...")
val result: Either[InvalidToken, JWTClaimsSet] = jwtValidator.validate(token)


Migrating from v1.x.x to v2.x.x

Be sure to read the CHANGELOG to understand how to migrate to v2.