Attendance Management keeps track of your employee or students present/absent details. It is the system to document the time your employees/students work and the time they take off.
This is a computer vision based attendance system prototype that was developed for the DreamSpace Academy to manage the students attendances in a proper way.
This system is using the QR technology as an identity to index the employees/students. Every students or employees will have an identity card that was printed with a QR code. When they scan the QR code, it takes attendance of the particular student or employee.
This computerized system is using a camera as the QR code reader, because it is based on computer vision technology.
This system has two parts in it. The first one is the QR code scanner script that was written in Python, the second part is the management panel that is used to maintain and record attendance details (Written in C#).
- This system has two main parts: Identity Card Scanner | Management Panel.
- Identity cards could be scanned with the camera module.
- It has a management panel to maintain and record attendance details.
- It gives a welcome/greeting quotes when employees/students scans the QR code.
- Wrong QR code detection.
- This system has a female voice outputs.
- Students/employees could be registered thorough the management panel.
- Python - Main programming language
- OpenCV - for computer vision.
- Pyzbar - a module for QR code functions
- PYTTSX3 - a module for voice outputs
- Playsound - a module for playing external sounds
- C# - Main programming language
- MySQL - Database.
- Create an empty database in MySQL panel with name of "dsa_attendance_system".
- Import into that empty database with a SQL database that is found on following folder of this repository (qr-based-attendance-system-for-dreamspace/0-database).
- Install the following dependencies in Python.
01 Install OpenCV-Python
pip install opencv-python
02 Install Pyzbar
pip install pyzbar
03 Install PYTTSX3
pip install pyttsx3
04 Install playsound
pip install playsound
05 Install MySQL Connector
pip install mysql-connector-python
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you install a dependency by using "pip install", it will install the latest version of the dependency. Sometimes, we need the exact version that is used in the project to future errors. To find the dependencies' version, please check out 'required-dependencies.txt' that is found on the project folder.
After the importing of database and installation of dependencies, the project could be deployed.
- The management panel project is found on the "2-attendance-management-system-c#" folder. This project folder can be opened with Visual Studio and then, we run (build) the project via clicking the start button. Otherwise, We can find the executable (EXE) of this project in the debug folder under the "2-attendance-management-system-c#" directory.
- Otherwise, the executable (EXE) will be found in the following path.
- Navigate to the "1-id-card-scanner-python" folder and execute the following command.
Identity card scanner is the main part of this project. Here, the attendance taking part is done. Students/employees shows their identity card to this camera. It reads the QR code and updates the attendance to the database.
- Attendance will be added after scanning
- Repetitive identity card scanning is prevented on same day.
- Greeting message after scanning.
- 100% accuracy on detection
- Wrong QR detection
This is the management panel for this project. All the attendance data can be maintained and record here. The identity card scanner updates the attendance record to the database, this management panel is reading those data and manipulate here.
This is the login page of this management panel. Here, the admin password needs to be entered in order to get into the system.
- Username: admin
- password: admin
- Login functions
- Proper message for wrong credentials
This is the main dashboard of this management panel. It has 3 major following modules.
- Student Management
- Attendance Management
- Settings
This module contains feature to manage students/employee data.
- Insert new students/employees
- Delete existing students/employees data
- Update existing students/employees data
- QR code can be generated here.
- QR code can be saved from this panel.
- Searching option by student_id, firstname, email
This module contains feature to manage attendance data such as searching, filtering and etc.
- Show attendance reports based on date, department, and batch.
This is the module where the admin can change the password of the system.
- Change admin password.