is the file extension used for data files in SAS (Statistical Analysis System) software. SAS is a software package used for statistical analysis and data visualization. The .sas7bdat
file is employed to store datasets created in SAS software.
Here is a brief explanation:
SAS: Software package for statistics and data analysis, offering various functionalities such as data management, statistical analysis, and data visualization.
: File extension for SAS data files, used to store SAS datasets. This file format is designed in binary format for efficient storage and quick retrieval of data.
Files generated by SAS software with the .sas7bdat
extension contain information about the structure of the dataset, including variables and data values. These files are primarily used for statistical and data analysis tasks and may be challenging to read directly in other software or environments. However, various tools and libraries support this file format, enabling its use in different environments when necessary.
- RN_KEY: Row identifier
- RN_INDI: Patient identifier
- RN_INST: Medical institution identifier
- MDCARE_STRT_DT: Start date of medical insurance
- FORM_CD: Form code
- SICK_SYM1, SICK_SYM2: Disease symptom codes
- OPRTN_YN: Surgery status
- MDCARE_DD_CNT, VSHSP_DD_CNT, TOT_PRSC_DD_CNT: Duration of medical care in days
- MCARE_RSLT_TYPE: Medical care result type
- ED_RC_TOT_AMT, EDC_SBA, EDC_INSUR_BRDN_AMT: Emergency room-related amounts
- SPCF_SYM_TYPE: Specific symptom type
This dataset provides information on medical insurance, patient details, medical institutions, and various aspects related to medical care. The column descriptions outline identifiers, dates, codes for symptoms and procedures, surgery status, duration of medical care, medical outcomes, emergency room-related amounts, and specific symptom types.