I'll be doing a Kubernetes Intro to Advanced workshop on Feb 20th 9am to 5pm and Feb 25th 9am to 5pm.
Here is a rough syllabus for the workshop (subject to change):
- Story of a web dude (how a monolith service is managed)
- Move from monolith to microservices
- How is the infrastructure moving with this trend (baremetal -> VM -> containers -> serverless)
- Where everything is at on the technology curve
- What are containers? And what business problem do they solve?
- Briefly explain namespaces
- What is k8s? What business problem does it solve?
- operational cost (resource utilization)
- Some k8s adoption numbers, how fast it’s growing, adoption
- Explain all the names in the industry:
- *aaS layers (explain the different XaaS layers and where do containers/k8s fit in)
- Container runtime: docker, rkt, CRI-O, CRI-containerd, ...
- Orchestrators: K8s, Mesos, Swarm, OpenShift, Rancher, ...
- CNI: Calico, Weave, Flannel, Romana, ...
- Servicemesh: istio, callium, nginmesh, hashicorp consul, ...
- Managed k8s (K8SaaS): GKE, EKS, AKS, VNX (VMware), PCS, DigitalOcean, ...
- Containers vs VMs
- Containers vs Processes
- How are containers made
- Chroot on steroids
- Terminology: Dockerfile, image, tag, container,layers
- Live "code to prod" demo: Code -> Binary -> Dockerfile -> local container image -> image on DockerHub -> image on another machine -> image deployed in the cloud
- Pods
- Namespaces
- Labels/Selectors
- Service
- Deployment (ReplicaSets)
- Kubernetes YAML (API format)
- Deploy a simple nginx service (deployment, service)
- Scale it up/down
- Create a service (expose it to the internet using GCP external Load Balancer)
- Look at pod logs, audit logs
- Do a rolling update
- Configure Horizontal Autoscaler
- GKE Kubernetes UI
- Basic
CLI operations
- Typical workflow from developer's laptop (code) to production
- Dev tools
- Testing/QA
- CI tools
- CD workflow
- Production cluster management, A/B testing, upgrades, etc.
- ConfigMap
- DaemonSet
- StatefulSet
- Jobs
- Autoscaling
- Ingress
- K8s security concepts
- NetworkPolicy
- Secrets
- Security in k8s context: [15 min]
- Some of the concepts from https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/07/18/11-ways-not-to-get-hacked/
- Easy ways to secure a k8s cluster
- (optional) k8s security landscape: companies (?)
- Deploy a 2 service app
- Create NetworkPolicies to “secure” the network using Calico
- (Maybe) demo helmsploit (exploit that lets you bring down k8s network even with NetworkPolicies in place
- Create RBAC rules
- Create a PodSecurityPolicy to disallow running a privileged pod
- "PlayTime" - try to break/bypass these security implementations
Day in a life of a packet
- Same pod
- Different pods, same host
- Different pods, different host
- Pod to service IP
- Pod to service name
- Pod to outside world
- Outside world to pod
Networking/CNI overview
Control Plane
- API server (components)
- Networking CP (istio)
- etcd
“Data” Plane
- kubelet
- docker/CRI
- Networking DP (CNI, Envoy)
Brief overview of istio
Developer advanced:
- Maybe try to access etcd to see how the data/objects are stored in it
- Create some Custom Resource Definition schema, and create CRD objects under it
- Look at etcd to see how our custom resource is stored
Could be a take home lab
- Deploy istio on kubernetes
- Deploy the istio guestbook app
- Create istio policies, monitoring, request routing, tracing, service graph, visualization
- Kubernetes deployers
- Kubernetes learning resources
- Free clusters
- Future courses