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Collecting data for Telugu LLM. Group Project in Natural Language Processing Course CS613


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CS613-NLP Team-1 Telugu

Team Members

The individual contributions as in the sources scraped and crawled by each team member is visible in the excel sheet. Apart from that the contributions include:

  1. Bhavik Patel (22110047) - Handling of server files and organising the entire codebase into main directories and sub-directories across local machines and the server. Effort towards compiling the enitre data onto the server. Finally assisted in entering data in the sheet.
  2. Guntas Singh Saran (22110089) - Writing and summarising this file. Assisted in compiling the pipelined code for DeDuplication using MinHashLSH. Made codes for uploading the datasets onto HuggingFace. Maintained the GitHub Repository.
  3. Hitesh Kumar (22110098) - Compiling of all the Pre-Existing Corpus and Loading these datasets from .parquet files to .csv to finally .txt files. Effort towards compiling the enitre data onto the server. Finally assisted in entering data in the sheet.
  4. Ruchit Jagodara (22110102) - Figured out using BeautifulSoup for crawling and scraping. Assisted in compiling the pipelined code for DeDuplication using MinHashLSH.
  5. Jinil Patel (22110184) - Assisted in the writing the Data PreProcessing codes and compilation of the BadWords. Finally assisted in entering data in the sheet.
  • Equal contributions from all the team members ensured that the sheet was updated time to time.
  • We compiled a lot of pre-existing corpus from HuggingFace including AI4Bharat, WikiMedia, ROOTS, ALLENAI, OSCAR and many more but downloading from just 5-6 sources provided 100GB+ of clean data for Telugu.
  • We compiled almost ~13GB of crawled data with 11.7L+ articles crawled and around ~120GB of existing data.
  • Much of the data was removed in the pre-processing stage. Like we scraped the entire Telugu Wikipedia amounting to 3.6GB+, yet owing to bad words or sensitive information, much of it got filtered out in the pre-processing.

The screenshot above does not contain the entire data and even this data is still in .csv format, which got even expanded after converting them to individual .txt files.

Data Scraping and Crawling Scraping_CrawlingCodes

Initially, we were using Selenium but quite early on switched to BeautifulSoup for this task. We employed Multi-threading to speed up the scraping and crawling tasks.
Our basic pipeline was:

  • We created a main folder for each source named <source-name>-<team-member>.
  • In each of these folders, there were two folders WebCrawl and LinkScrape.
  • Additionally, the main folder also contained a Jupyter Notebook that was used as an experimentation to know the interface of that particular source.
  • All the scraped links were stored in .csv files, and then later, the crawling code took over, saving each individual article in separate .txt files.

An example of

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.request

def get_links(content):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
    main_div = soup.find('div', class_='band')
    anchors = main_div.find_all('a', class_="read-more", href=True)
    links = [a['href'] for a in anchors]
    return links

def crawl_data_from_link_with_retry(link, max_retries=3, retry_interval=5):
    retries = 0
    while retries < max_retries:
            response = urllib.request.urlopen(link)
            if response.status == 200:
                print(f"Failed to fetch data from {link}. Retrying... ({retries + 1}/{max_retries})")
                retries += 1
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"An error occurred while fetching data from {link}: {e}. Retrying... ({retries + 1}/{max_retries})")
            retries += 1
    print(f"Failed to fetch data from {link} after {max_retries} retries.")
    return None

An example of

def extract_data_from_html(html_content):
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser")
        extracted_data = ""
        for paragraph in soup.find_all('p'):
            extracted_data += paragraph.get_text() + "\n"

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred while extracting Telugu data: {e}")
    return extracted_data

Data Preprocessing DataPreprocessing


This script processes text files from a specified directory, extracting links and text content, and compiles them into a single CSV file. Since initially we had scraped files as separate .txt files, it was necessary that for summarising the data, this was needed.


This script cleans a CSV file by removing entries that contain unwanted content, such as bad words, email addresses, and phone numbers.
We had compiled bad words from the this source and later with the help of our Telugu friends, we added more words and made the badwords.json. We further made sure that no personal information gets leaked into the corpus like phone numbers or email addresses; and all those articles we're flagged and removed. takes your data in .csv format and separates the data into two files - <source>_clean_articles.csv and <source>_bad_articles.csv. The latter file also contains a column to show why that particular article has been flagged and removed.

Regular Expression Patterns

Next, the script defines regular expression patterns for identifying email addresses and phone numbers:

bad_words = "|".join(bad_words)
email_pattern = r"\S+@\S+"
phone_pattern = r'[\+\(]?[0-9][0-9 .\-\(\)]{5,}[0-9]'
correct_phone_pattern = r"\s?\d{4}-\d{4}\s?$"
  • bad_words: A combined pattern of bad words.
  • email_pattern: Matches standard email formats.
  • phone_pattern: Matches various phone number formats.
  • correct_phone_pattern: Ensures phone numbers follow a specific formatting standard (e.g., 1234-5678).
Screenshot showing why articles were flagged and removed containing sensitive information or bad words.


This script processes the cleaned CSV file to extract English text segments and modify the original content to replace unwanted strings, such as hyperlinks using the <|hyperlink|> tag.

segments = re.findall(r'[a-zA-Z0-9»!@#$%^&*()_+={}\[\]:;"\'|\\<,>.?/~\s\n%+^-]+', text)

def remove_strings_from_row(content, strings_to_remove):
    if len(strings_to_remove) > 0 and (("https" in strings_to_remove) or ("www" in strings_to_remove) or ("http" in strings_to_remove) or ("http://" in strings_to_remove)):
        if strings_to_remove[-1] == " " or strings_to_remove[-1] == "\n" or strings_to_remove[-1] == "»":
            content = content.replace(strings_to_remove[:-1], ' <|hyperlink|> ')
            content = content.replace(strings_to_remove, ' <|hyperlink|> ')
    return content

Data DeDuplication DeDuplication

We were not able to perform deduplication on the entire dataset but did on a subset on a local machine of 3 sources. Although we were at least able to compile all the data on the server to be ready for deduplication, owing to time constraints, we were not able to finish it. Hence the task of making the final table is still incomplete


This script scans specified directories for .txt files and compiles their paths into a CSV file. It utilizes multithreading for faster processing.


This script reads file paths from the CSV generated by the previous script, computes MinHash signatures for each file, and uses Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) to identify duplicates. We set the Jaccard Similarity threshold at 0.8.

Key Functions:

  • get_minhash(content, num_perm=128): Generates a MinHash signature for the file content.
  • deduplicate_files(filepaths, threshold=0.8): Identifies duplicate files based on MinHash similarities.


This script filters CSV files in a specified directory, keeping only those rows where the similarity exceeds a defined threshold. It modifies the original files in place.


This script processes the CSV files containing similarity results, determining which files to keep and which to remove based on their similarity scores.


The final script reads a list of files to be removed from a text file and deletes those files from the filesystem.

We even wrote a bash script that would give the number of files and the folder size for each of the sources in our main folder.

The DeDuplication Pipeline

  • All the sources need to be present in one main folder as directory containing all the articles from that source in .txt format.
An attempt at how we were compiling all our data onto the server to be ready for deduplication.
  • Then, after this file setup, we ran that gave each article a unique ID in terms of their file paths on the respective machines.
  • Next, two directories needed to be created, Similarity and Logs, and the script was run. This will create CSVs in the Similarity directory in chunks to avoid RAM overflows. These CSVs contain the duplicates figured out by the LSH object with their actual similarity values with its neighbors to later account for FALSE POSITIVES.
Notice how there are 2 false positives with a similarity of less than 0.8 that came in. These will be filtered.
  • Now once, we have these CSVs, we run that will overwrite these CSVs, removing the rows that were False Positives.
  • Then is run, which will check which file to remove out of the pair in a row in the above CSVs. This will create a log .txt file in the Logs directory of the filepaths of all the articles that need to be removed.
  • Then, at last, the is run, which will do the honors of discarding these logged files.

Data Uploading to Server and HuggingFace

  • Since our pipeline had several raw .txt files and bad/clean .csv files we tried to upload them as single .zip file to HuggingFace.
  • Later the clean data which was in .csv format was uploaded in dataset repositories on HuggingFace and those were in .parquet format, which were easily downloaded on the server side or any other machine
  • We used the notebook DataUpload.ipynb to upload the datasets over on HuggingFace.

Quite often we leveraged script commands to transfer data from our local machines by zipping also to the server using the server copy (scp) command:

scp <local_file_path> telugu_nlp@<file_path_on_server>

MinHashLSH Algorithm


The MinHashLSH (MinHash Locality-Sensitive Hashing) algorithm is a powerful technique for estimating the Jaccard similarity between sets. The main idea is to reduce the dimensionality of the data while preserving the pairwise similarity between sets. The process involves several key steps:

1. Shingling

To begin with, a document is converted into a set of shingles (or k-grams). For instance, given a string, we can extract overlapping substrings of length $k$.

$$S_k = \{ s_i, s_{i+1}, \ldots, s_{i+k-1} \}$$

where $s_i$ is the $i^{th}$ character in the string.

2. MinHashing

Next, a MinHash signature is generated for each set of shingles. This involves creating multiple hash functions $h_1, h_2, \ldots, h_n$ that map the shingles to a range of integers. The MinHash of a set $S$ is the minimum value produced by these hash functions.

The MinHash of set $S$ is defined as:

$$\text{MinHash}(S) = \min_{s \in S} \{ h(s) \}$$

For $k$ hash functions, we can generate a MinHash signature of length $k$:

$$\text{signature}(S) = \begin{bmatrix} \text{MinHash}_1(S) \\\ \text{MinHash}_2(S) \\\ \vdots \\\ \text{MinHash}_k(S) \end{bmatrix}$$

MinHash: Estimating Jaccard Similarity

MinHash (short for Min-wise Independent Permutations Hashing) is a technique used to estimate the Jaccard similarity between two sets.

Jaccard Similarity

For two sets $A$ and $B$, the Jaccard similarity $J(A, B)$ is defined as:

$$J(A, B) = \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|}$$

This measures the size of the intersection relative to the union of the sets. The closer the value is to 1, the more similar the sets are.

How MinHash Works

MinHash allows us to approximate the Jaccard similarity between two sets by applying a random permutation to the elements of each set and selecting the smallest (minimum) hash value of the elements after the permutation. By repeating this process with multiple hash functions (i.e., permutations), we can estimate the Jaccard similarity.

Let $h_1, h_2, \ldots, h_k$ be a family of random hash functions. For each set $A$, compute the minimum value of the hash functions for each permutation:

$$\text{MinHash}(A) = \left(\min(h_1(A)), \min(h_2(A)), \ldots, \min(h_k(A))\right)$$

The probability that the minimum hash values for two sets $A$ and $B$ are the same is equal to the Jaccard similarity:

$$P(\min(h_i(A)) = \min(h_i(B))) = J(A, B)$$

Thus, the more MinHashes that match between two sets, the more similar the sets are, with the proportion of matching MinHashes approximating the Jaccard similarity:

$$\hat{J}(A, B) \approx \frac{\text{Number of matching MinHashes}}{\text{Total number of MinHashes}}$$

MinHash in Practice

Instead of computing full hash permutations, practical implementations simulate random permutations using a fixed number of permutations (e.g., 128). The resulting signature is a compact representation of the set, allowing for fast comparison.

Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH): Efficient Similarity Search

MinHashLSH builds on MinHash by enabling efficient approximate nearest-neighbor search. The goal of LSH is to quickly identify similar items in large datasets without comparing every possible pair.

Hash Buckets and LSH

LSH works by hashing similar items (sets or documents) into the same "bucket" with high probability, allowing us to efficiently retrieve candidate near-duplicates.

Key Idea

The MinHash signature for a set is divided into multiple "bands" of hash values. Each band is hashed into a separate hash table (bucket). If two items share the same band in at least one hash table, they are considered potential candidates for similarity (i.e., they are "near neighbors"). For example:

Let $s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_k$ be the MinHash signature for a document. Divide the signature into $b$ bands, each containing $r$ hash values (so that $k = b \times r$). Each band is hashed into a hash table:

$$\text{BandHash}(i) = \text{hash}(s_{(i-1)r+1}, s_{(i-1)r+2}, \ldots, s_{ir})$$

The idea is that similar sets are more likely to share one or more band hash values, thus colliding in at least one hash table.

Probability of Collision

The probability that two documents $A$ and $B$ collide in at least one band is related to their Jaccard similarity. Let $p$ be the Jaccard similarity $J(A, B)$ between two sets. The probability that two sets do not collide in one band (i.e., they have different MinHash values in all $r$ positions of that band) is:

$$P(\text{No collision in one band}) = (1 - p^r)$$

The probability that two sets do not collide in any of the $b$ bands is:

$$P(\text{No collision in any band}) = (1 - p^r)^{b}$$

Therefore, the probability that two sets collide in at least one band is:

$$P(\text{Collision}) = 1 - (1 - p^r)^{b}$$

This probability increases as the similarity $p$ increases, meaning that similar sets are likely to collide in at least one band, while dissimilar sets are unlikely to collide.

Tuning Parameters

  1. $b$ (number of bands): More bands reduce false positives but increase false negatives.
  2. $r$ (rows per band): More rows per band reduce false negatives but increase false positives.

False Positives and Negatives}

  1. False Positive: Two dissimilar sets might collide in a bucket due to chance, causing them to be falsely flagged as similar.
  2. False Negative: Two similar sets might not collide in any bucket, causing them to be missed.

LSH works by balancing these trade-offs, with parameters $b$ and $r$ controlling the precision of the approximation.

Example Code

import os
import re
from datasketch import MinHash, MinHashLSH

def get_features(s):
    """Extract 3-character shingles from the string."""
    width = 3
    s = s.lower()
    s = re.sub(r'[^\w]+', '', s)
    return [s[i:i + width] for i in range(max(len(s) - width + 1, 1))]

def get_minhash(content, num_perm=128):
    """Convert features derived from content to a MinHash object for LSH comparison."""
    minhash = MinHash(num_perm=num_perm)
    features = get_features(content)
    for feature in features:
    return minhash

def lsh_deduplication(documents, threshold=0.8, num_perm=128):
    lsh = MinHashLSH(threshold=threshold, num_perm=num_perm)
    minhashes = {}

    # Create MinHash for each document and insert into LSH
    for doc_id, text in documents.items():
        minhash = get_minhash(text, num_perm=num_perm)
        minhashes[doc_id] = minhash

        lsh.insert(doc_id, minhash)

    # Deduplicate documents based on LSH
    deduplicated_docs = {}
    for doc_id in documents:
        similar_docs = lsh.query(minhashes[doc_id])
        if len(similar_docs) == 1:  # If only one match (itself), it's unique
            deduplicated_docs[doc_id] = documents[doc_id]

    return deduplicated_docs

SQuAD Paper

SQuAD: 100,000+ Questions for Machine Comprehension of Text
Paper Overview
Stanford CoreNLP
Dependency Parsing
Universal Dependency Table