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A Pollen-inspired book-generator in JS

Build Status


  • git clone
  • npm i the dependencies
  • ./ to quickstart src/content
  • npm start or gulp to compile src to dist

Entry Point Summary

I want to change... Modify
Book title gulpfile.js::directory.title
Content src/content
Fonts/colors/breakpoints src/styles/_user.scss
Cover image src/content/index.jpg
Header/footer src/views/partials
Markup gulpfile.js::marked
Tests cypress/intgration/


Set the book title in the directory.title variable in gulpfile.js.

Place content in src/content. Number folders (1. *title*, 2. *title*, etc.). These *title*s will become the chapter names.

Hope gulp takes care of your folders in the order specified. Currently only supports Markdown.

Will throw an error if Markdown files are more than 1 folder deep in src/content. This means src/content/folder-1/ works, but src/content/folder-1/oh-no/ won't. This is intentional.

The top of each Markdown file must start with

prev: {the previous page}
next: {the next page}
chapter: {the chapter-top page}
title: {your title}
summary: {a summary of your content}
your content here

otherwise the footer will not work as expected.


Don't like the default styles? Modify src/styles/_user.scss. Available options:

  • font
  • sans and sans-serif font stacks
  • background, text, accent, and border colors
  • CSS breakpoints

You may also opt to modify src/views/partials/{header,footer}.hbs to add your own custom headers/footers to pages, respectively.


Place a cover image at src/content/index.jpg. Responsive images coming soon.


Testing is done with cypress (and automated with Travis). sets up some source Markdown files and a cover image, and we test the end results. Use npm test for automated testing (Travis, etc.), or npm run test-active to view the Cypress console (local debugging, for example).

Things to test:

  • moving between pages
  • moving to top/chapter pages
  • has a cover image
  • has the correct fonts

If you change the fonts in _user.scss, be sure to update the corresponding variables in the test files.


Deploy the dist folder to a static provider of your choice (my favorite is