Photo Mosaic Maker generates hi-resolution image tiles using arbitrary images (supplied by the user in the './Photos' folder).
Example: This example uses random photos from the internet.
Output (@Left) and Input (@Right):
And, here's a closer look (zoom in to analyze the tiles)
Uses olcPixelGameEngine to generate and display a photo mosaic.
- create a "photos" folder and copy several photos to be used in generating the Mosaic
- run the program (it asks for the Target file name in the Terminal, so don't forget to switch to the terminal when you see the big Canvas)
- hang on, while the computer analyses your input photos to generate a Mosaic of your target photo.
- uses C++/17 standard (to search for filenames)
- comes with no Warranty
- You are supposed to utilize your own photos as this code repo does not contain photos (except for the Readme)
- photos can be any of {*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png}
- olcPixelGameEngine:
- stb_image_write:
- It uses the color distance function as described in
- Mosaic Maker can be compiled and run on both Linux and Windows.
- Feel free to add features (User Interface, sharing the output, embedding a watermark, etc)
Enjoy! :)