Wir haben für die Schule einen EV3 mit Java programmiert und in diesem Projekt ist der Sourcecode davon.
Auch hier enthalten ist eine Präsentation zu dem Thema (geschrieben mit Reveal.js) und dieselbe Präsentation in einer einzigen Datei zur Offlinebenutzung (danke an https://github.com/zTrix/webpage2html)
Alle Programme sind unter src/main/java/roboter, unter presentation/reveal.js/index.html findet sich die Präsentation und die Offline-Version davon ist in presentation/reveal.js/presentation_offline.html.
- Der Code ist noch ein bisschen verbuggt und noch längst nicht fertig
- Die Original readme.md (aus dem ev3dev-lang-java template project) ist unter diesem Text.
Testing a new technology is always a bit tedious, and it requires an amount of time.
So, this project try to reduce the curve of learning of any new user with EV3Dev-lang-java
The Prerequisites to use this project are:
- Your MINDSTORMS Brick needs to have installed latest
Debian Stretch
version. https://www.ev3dev.org/docs/getting-started/ - To increase the EV3 CPU Speed, read the following article: https://lechnology.com/2018/06/overclocking-lego-mindstorms-ev3-part-2/
- Your MINDSTORMS Brick needs to be connected to the same LAN as your laptop. http://www.ev3dev.org/docs/getting-started/#step-5-set-up-a-network-connection
Note: Update the EV3Dev kernel https://www.ev3dev.org/docs/tutorials/upgrading-ev3dev/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-image-ev3dev-ev3
Once you have all steps done, continue with the next section.
This repository stores a template project about EV3Dev-lang-java
Once you download in your computer the project,
open your favourite Java IDE ( Eclipse or IntelliJ)
to import this Gradle project. The project includes the latest dependencies and
an example ready to be deployed on your Robot using the core
library from EV3Dev-lang-java
The project includes some tasks to reduce the time to deploy on your robot.
Review the IP of your Brick and update the file ./config.gradle
remotes {
ev3dev {
host = ''
user = 'robot'
password = 'maker'
The tasks associated to deploy on your Robot are:
- testConnection (Test the connection with your Brick)
- deploy (The project deliver a FatJar to your Brick)
- remoteRun (Execute a Jar deployed on your Brick)
- deployAndRun (Deploy & Execute from your Computer the program that you configured on the file: MANIFEST.MF)
- ev3devInfo (Get technical information about your EV3 Brick)
- removePreviousJar (Remove current jar remotely)
- remoteBrickRun (If your program is going to use some EV3 Actuator like LCD, Buttons, use this task to execute the program)
- remoteRun (Execute your jar remotely)
- remoteRunClassVerbose (Execute your jar and show JVM info)
- remoteProfilingRun (Execute your jar configured for Profiling activities)
- deployAndBrickRun (Deploy & Execute your program with Brickrun)
- deployAndProfilingRun (Deploy & Execute your jar configured for Profiling activities)
- pkillJava (Kill Java processes in your Brick)
You can use the Java IDE to launch the task or execute them from the terminal
./gradlew deployAndBrickRun
The project has the following technical documentation
Exist several examples ready to use here:
If you have any problem or doubt, use the main project.