Spring Cloud Stream Binder to be used in a Spring Cloud Data Flow streaming data pipeline. This is a sample prototype that reuses the Getting Started Pravega sample code and default properties as a Binder implementation.
The project consists of the Binder implementation and a simple Spring Cloud Stream example that reads messages from a Sink channel named input
and writes the contents back to a Source channel named output
@EnableBinding({Sink.class, Source.class})
public String handle(String message) {
return String.format("%s there", message);
The input
and output
channels are mapped to Pravega streams using the external application.properties
configuration file.
The spring.cloud.stream.pravega.binder.*
properties configures the Controller URI:
The input
channel is mapped to the Pravega inputStream
stream. The scope is configured using extended binder properties:
The output
chananel is mapped to the Pravega outputStream
stream. The scope and routing key is configured using extended binder properties:
Build the sample application and the Binder:
./mvnw package
Start Pravega using docker:
docker run -it -e HOST_IP= -p 9090:9090 -p 12345:12345 pravega/pravega:0.7.0 standalone
Start the sample application:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Using the Pravega Samples, send a message to the inputStream
bin/helloWorldWriter -n inputStream -m hello
Using the Pravega Samples, read the message written back in the outputStream
bin/helloWorldReader -n outputStream
The console output is hello there
A Binder connects input and output channels to external middleware. The message producer listens to an external stream and writes them to the internal channel, working as a producer. The message handler receives messages from the internal channels and writes them to the external stream, working as a consumer.
- Spring Boot configuration class that injects the properties and create the main binder classes.PravegaMessageChannelBinder
- Main Binder implementation class that customizes the baseAbstractMessageChannelBinder
base implementation. from Spring Cloud Stream. The Channel Binder binds the Producer and Consumer to the Pravega custom implementation.PravegaMessageHandler
- Binder implementation based in the Getting Started sample code.
- Move the
code to the related Channel Provisioners - Create a Pravega autoconfiguration class for defaults customization and creation of the factory classes for injection
- Understand and map the concurrency model of the Pravega Client to the Consumer and Producer implementations
- Map additional Binder configuration properties to Pravega, such as reader groups and partitioning (https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud-stream/current/reference/html/spring-cloud-stream.html#_configuration_options)
- Create sample Spring Cloud Dataflow example
- Add unit tests