This is a personal project made for testing, experimentation, and a gift to someone 🖤.
A small Progressive Web Application (PWA) made for experimenting and learning
concepts like User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). *Created as a personal
side project in my free time, don't expect a fully scalable application or
commits conventions in general.
Most of the application's content is private, so in this repository, there is just the source code for handling the interface.
- Framework: Next.js (React)
- Database: Supabase
- Interface:
- Components: Mantine
- Styling/Composing: WindiCSS
- Icons: Tabler
- Custom Animations: Framer Motion
- Hosting: Vercel
This stack is chosen with the idea of trying to create a working application as fast and easy as possible. And personal choice.
Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE for details.