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An R package to build Google's Public Data Explorer DSPL Metadata files


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An R package for building Google's Data Sets Publication Language (DSPL) metadata files used in Public Data Explorer.

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  • Reads tab, csv, xls and xlsx from a folder.

  • Identifies data types and distinguishes between dimensional and metric concepts.

  • Identifies dimensional data tabs.

  • Auto generates conceps id.

  • Auto data sorting on dimensional (no time) concepts.

  • Prints XML and csv files to upload to Public Data Explorer.

  • Some bug trackers before final printing XML.

  • Builds ZIP file containing CSV and XML files.

So you don't need to mess with the XML coding at all!


# This path has some csv files that we will use
data.path <-try(paste(.libPaths()[1],'/googlePublicData/data',sep=''), silent=T)
## [1] "/home/george/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/googlePublicData/data"
# The dspl function looks for csv files in that paths, and analyzes them
mydspl <- dspl(path=data.path, sep=";")
## 6 files found...

## /home/george/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/googlePublicData/data/countries.csv analyzed correctly

## /home/george/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/googlePublicData/data/country_slice.csv analyzed correctly

## /home/george/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/googlePublicData/data/gender_country_slice.csv analyzed correctly

## /home/george/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/googlePublicData/data/genders.csv analyzed correctly

## /home/george/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/googlePublicData/data/states.csv analyzed correctly

## /home/george/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/googlePublicData/data/state_slice.csv analyzed correctly
# If we wanted to write the zip file... ready to be uploaded to
# dspl(path=data.path, sep=";", output= "")

# Printing the data
## <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
## <dspl xmlns="" xmlns:quantity="" xmlns:entity="" xmlns:geo="" xmlns:time="" xmlns:unit="" targetNamespace="">
##   <!--Concepts imports-->
##   <import namespace=""/>
##   <import namespace=""/>
##   <import namespace=""/>
##   <import namespace=""/>
##   <import namespace=""/>
##   <!--Info lines-->
##   <info>
##     <name>
##       <value xml:lang="es">No name</value>
##     </name>
##     <description>
##       <value xml:lang="es">No description</value>
##     </description>
##   </info>
##   <!--Data Provider-->
##   <provider>
##     <name>
##       <value xml:lang="es">No provider</value>
##     </name>
##   </provider>
##   <!--Concepts Definitions-->
##   <concepts>
##     <concept id="country" extends="geo:location">
##       <info>
##         <name>
##           <value xml:lang="es">Country</value>
##         </name>
##       </info>
##       <type ref="string"/>
##       <table ref="countries_table"/>
##     </concept>
##     <concept id="population">
##       <info>
##         <name>
##           <value xml:lang="es">Population</value>
##         </name>
##       </info>
##       <type ref="integer"/>
##     </concept>
##     <concept id="gender" extends="entity:entity">
##       <info>
##         <name>
##           <value xml:lang="es">Gender</value>
##         </name>
##       </info>
##       <type ref="string"/>
##       <table ref="genders_table"/>
##     </concept>
##     <concept id="state" extends="geo:location">
##       <info>
##         <name>
##           <value xml:lang="es">State</value>
##         </name>
##       </info>
##       <type ref="string"/>
##       <table ref="states_table"/>
##     </concept>
##     <concept id="unemployment_rate">
##       <info>
##         <name>
##           <value xml:lang="es">Unemployment Rate</value>
##         </name>
##       </info>
##       <type ref="float"/>
##     </concept>
##   </concepts>
##   <!--Slices Definitions-->
##   <slices>
##     <slice id="country_slice_slice">
##       <dimension concept="country"/>
##       <dimension concept="time:year"/>
##       <metric concept="population"/>
##       <table ref="country_slice_table"/>
##     </slice>
##     <slice id="gender_country_slice_slice">
##       <dimension concept="country"/>
##       <dimension concept="gender"/>
##       <dimension concept="time:year"/>
##       <metric concept="population"/>
##       <table ref="gender_country_slice_table"/>
##     </slice>
##     <slice id="state_slice_slice">
##       <dimension concept="state"/>
##       <dimension concept="time:year"/>
##       <metric concept="population"/>
##       <metric concept="unemployment_rate"/>
##       <table ref="state_slice_table"/>
##     </slice>
##   </slices>
##   <!--Tables Definitios-->
##   <tables>
##     <table id="countries_table">
##       <column id="country" type="string"/>
##       <column id="name" type="string"/>
##       <column id="latitude" type="float"/>
##       <column id="longitude" type="float"/>
##       <data>
##         <file format="csv" encoding="utf8">countries.csv</file>
##       </data>
##     </table>
##     <table id="country_slice_table">
##       <column id="country" type="string"/>
##       <column id="year" type="date" format="yyyy"/>
##       <column id="population" type="integer"/>
##       <data>
##         <file format="csv" encoding="utf8">country_slice.csv</file>
##       </data>
##     </table>
##     <table id="gender_country_slice_table">
##       <column id="country" type="string"/>
##       <column id="gender" type="string"/>
##       <column id="year" type="date" format="yyyy"/>
##       <column id="population" type="integer"/>
##       <data>
##         <file format="csv" encoding="utf8">gender_country_slice.csv</file>
##       </data>
##     </table>
##     <table id="genders_table">
##       <column id="gender" type="string"/>
##       <column id="name" type="string"/>
##       <data>
##         <file format="csv" encoding="utf8">genders.csv</file>
##       </data>
##     </table>
##     <table id="states_table">
##       <column id="state" type="string"/>
##       <column id="name" type="string"/>
##       <column id="latitude" type="float"/>
##       <column id="longitude" type="float"/>
##       <data>
##         <file format="csv" encoding="utf8">states.csv</file>
##       </data>
##     </table>
##     <table id="state_slice_table">
##       <column id="state" type="string"/>
##       <column id="year" type="date" format="yyyy"/>
##       <column id="population" type="integer"/>
##       <column id="unemployment_rate" type="float"/>
##       <data>
##         <file format="csv" encoding="utf8">state_slice.csv</file>
##       </data>
##     </table>
##   </tables>
## </dspl>
# Summary of the dspl class object
## Attributes
## $names
## [1] "dspl"              "" "dimtabs"          
## [4] "slices"            "concepts"          "dimentions"       
## [7] "statistics"       
## $class
## [1] "dspl"
## Dataset contents

## $dimtabs
## [1] "countries" "genders"   "states"   
## $slices
## [1] "countries"            "country_slice"        "gender_country_slice"
## [4] "genders"              "states"               "state_slice"         
## $concepts
## [1] "Country"           "name"              "latitude"         
## [4] "longitude"         "Year"              "Population"       
## [7] "Gender"            "State"             "Unemployment Rate"
## $dimentions
##      label
## 1  Country
## 12  Gender
## 14   State
## $statistics
##      slices concepts dimentions
## [1,]      6        9          3