The Cantonese MapTask corpus is a collection of recordings of the MapTask task in contemporary Hong Kong Cantonese.
The corpus contains the following:
- Recordings of the sessions of the MapTask are in the folder "ConversationData". Each sub-folder contains audio files and corresponding ELAN files that contain the transcription of the audio in Chinese characters (both non-segmented and manually segmented) and jyutping romanization.
- Recordings of the reading task where participants read words aloud from a list are in the folder "ReadingData".
- The maps used for the task are in the folder "Maps".
In total, the corpus offers 12 hours and 48 minutes of recordings.
Details about the construction of CantoMap can be found in the following paper (please cite if you use CantoMap in your research):
Winterstein, Grégoire, Tang, Carmen and Lai, Regine (2020) "CantoMap: a Hong Kong Cantonese MapTask Corpus", in Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Marseille: European Language Resources Association, p. 2899-2906.
Available here:
CantoMap is a registered language resource with the ISRLN (167-857-138-471-9):