Meet your coaches (do a dinner together!). Make sure they're familiar with the Tutorial and Coaches Manual. Get to know everyone and make sure they know each other, too. Exchange ideas and advice.
5pm Meet your attendees and coaches. Give them 30 minutes to get to know each other and talk.
5.30pm Installation starts! Make sure everyone has Python, Pip, Virtualenv and Django installed on their computers.
8pm Invite everyone for a little pre-party to a cafe nearby.
8.30am Doors open, breakfast is served, early registration starts.
9am Welcome everyone, do a short presentation explaining what we're going to do today and what the schedule looks like. Make sure they know they're awesome - the impostor syndrome is strong and you need to break the ice and ensure them they can do it.
9.30am The workshop starts! Teams and coaches should now get to work and follow the tutorial.
12.30pm Time for lunch :) Do a one-hour break. You can also fit some talks by sponsors / invited speakers here. Make sure they're inspiring!
1.30pm Back to the workshop.
6pm Official ending. Again: thank sponsors, coaches and attendees. Make sure they feel awesome. Tell them what they can do next and invite everyone to go for a drink or soda in some place.
6.30pm Wrap-up.
We intentionally don't do too many breaks during the workshop session, but make sure teams know that they can take a break whenever they want. People don't like stopping their work in the middle, so it's best if a team can decide when they want to take a break. Make sure there is a place in the venue (or outside) where they can talk, laugh and be loud :). It is also a good idea to do a little activity like a game with everyone either before the workshop starts or during lunch to give people the opportunity to get to know each other. People will be working in their groups for most of the day, try to encourage them to get to know other attendees and coaches as well.