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File metadata and controls

375 lines (294 loc) · 11.2 KB

PDF Invoice

📑 Simple yet powerful JavaScript library that generates PDF invoice, estimates & payment receipts from a JSON data. It can be used in any Node JS/Bun JS environment.


via npm:

npm install @h1dd3nsn1p3r/pdf-invoice

via yarn:

yarn add @h1dd3nsn1p3r/pdf-invoice

via pnpm:

pnpm add @h1dd3nsn1p3r/pdf-invoice


Once installed, you can import either using require or import:

const { PDFInvoice } = require('@h1dd3nsn1p3r/pdf-invoice');

or ES6 import:

import { PDFInvoice } from '@h1dd3nsn1p3r/pdf-invoice';

PDFInvoice is a class that takes the payload as an argument. The payload is the data that you want to show on the invoice. For more information check the Payload data example.

Payload Data

The payload is the data that you want to show on the invoice. It is an object with the following structure:

const payload = {
    company: {
        logo: "<svg>...</svg>", // Optional. SVG logo of your company.
        name: "Festrol Corp.",
        address: "1711 W. El Segundo Blvd, Hawthorne, Canada - 90250",
        phone: "Tel: (+11) 245 543 903",
        email: "Mail:",
        website: "Web:",
        taxId: "Tax ID: 1234567890", // Optional.
    customer: {
        name: "John Doe",
        company: "Xero Inc.", // Optional.
        address: "1234 Main Street, New York, NY 10001",
        phone: "Tel: (555) 555-5555",
        email: "Mail:",
        taxId: "Tax ID: 1234567890", // Optional.
    invoice: {
        number: 1721, // String or number.
        date: "25/12/2023", // Default is current date.
        dueDate: "25/12/2023", // Default is current date.
        status: "Paid!",
        currency: "€", // Default is "$",
        path: "./invoice.pdf", // Required. Path where you would like to generate the PDF file. 
    items: [
            name: "Cloud VPS Server - Starter Plan",
            quantity: 1,
            price: 400,
            tax: 0, // Specify tax in percentage. Default is 0.
            name: "Domain Registration -",
            quantity: 1,
            price: 20,
            tax: 0, // Specify tax in percentage. Default is 0.
            name: "Maintenance Charge - Yearly",
            quantity: 1,
            price: 300,
            tax: 0, // Specify tax in percentage. Default is 0.
    qr: {
        data: "",
        width: 100, // Default is 50.
    note: {
        text: "Thank you for your business.",
        italic: false, // Default is true.

Note: If the string is long, then you can use \n to break the line. For example:

const payload = {
    company: {
        name: "Festrol Corp.",
        address: "1711 W. El Segundo Blvd, Hawthorne, \n Canada - 90250",
        phone: "Tel: (+11) 245 543 903",
        email: "Mail:"

Let's understand each of the fields in the payload.


This is the information about your company. It is an object with the following structure:

const company = {
    logo: "<svg>...</svg>", // Optional. SVG logo of your company.
    name: "Festrol Corp.", // Optional or required if logo is not supplied.
    address: "1711 W. El Segundo Blvd, Hawthorne, \n Canada - 90250", // Optional.
    phone: "Tel: (+11) 245 543 903", // Optional.
    email: "", // Optional.
    website: "Web:" // Optional.
    taxId: "Tax ID: 1234567890", // Optional.

For now, only svg logo can be used. If you wish to use logo & do not want the company name, then do not pass the name field. Rest of the fields are optional.

### Invoice

This is the information about the invoice. It is an object with the following structure:

const invoice = {
    number: 1721, // Required.
    date: "25/12/2023", // Optional. Default is current date.
    dueDate: "25/12/2023", // Optional. Default is current date.
    status: "Paid!", // Optional. Default is "Due pending!".
    currency: "€", // Optional. Default is "$".

The invoice number is required. It might be a integer that you use to track your invoices. In most cases, it is a unique number that reference the order ID or invoice sequence number in your database. Rest of the fields are optional.

If path is supplied in the payload, then the PDF will be generated at that location. For example:

const file = "invoice" + "-#" + 1729 + "-" + new Date().getTime(); // invoice-#1729-1630480000000
const location = path.join(__dirname, "/invoices/" + file + ".pdf"); 
const invoice = {
    path: location, // Required.

If path is not supplied in the payload, then the PDF will be generated in current working directory with the name invoice.pdf.


This is the information about your customer. It is an object with the following structure:

const customer = {
    name: "John Doe", // Required.
    company: "Xero Inc.", // Optional.
    address: "1234 Main Street, New York, \n NY 10001", // Optional.
    phone: "Tel: (555) 555-5555", // Optional.
    email: "", // Optional.
    taxId: "Tax ID: 1234567890", // Optional.

The name of the customer is required. Rest of the fields are optional.


Items are the products or services that you are selling. It is an array of objects with the following structure:

const items = [
        name: "Cloud VPS Server - Starter Plan", // Required.
        quantity: 1, // Required.
        price: 400, // Required.
        tax: 0, // Optional. Specify tax in percentage. Default is 0.
        name: "Domain Registration -", // Required.
        quantity: 1, // Required.
        price: 20, // Required.
        tax: 0, // Optional. Specify tax in percentage. Default is 0.
        name: "Maintenance Charge - Yearly", // Required.
        quantity: 1, // Required.
        price: 300, // Required.
        tax: 0, // Optional. Specify tax in percentage. Default is 0.

The name, quantity and price of the item is required. Rest of the fields are optional. Although if you have single item in the invoice, you need to pass it as an object. For example:

const items = [
        name: "Cloud VPS Server - Starter Plan", // Required.
        quantity: 1, // Required.
        price: 400, // Required.
        tax: 0, // Optional. Specify tax in percentage. Default is 0.

QR Code

If you want to add a QR code to the invoice, then you can use this field. It is an object with the following structure:

const qr = {
    data: "", // Required. The data that you want to encode in the QR code.
    width: "100", // Optional. Default is 50. 

The data field is required. It is the data that you want to encode in the QR code. The width field is optional. It is the width of the QR code in pixels. Default is 50. The recommended width of QR is 30 - 100.


Use this field if you want to add a note to the invoice. It is an string with the following structure:

const note = "Thank you for your business."; 

Generate PDF

Once you have the payload ready, you can generate the PDF using the following code:

const { PDFInvoice } = require('@h1dd3nsn1p3r/pdf-invoice');

const handleInvoice = async(): Promise<void> => {
    const payload = {
        // Prepare payload.

    * Create the invoice.
    const invoice = new PDFInvoice(payload);
    const pdf = await invoice.create(); // Returns promise, await it.

    console.log(pdf); // Full path to the PDF file.


Once you call the create method, it will return a promise. You can either use async/await or .then() to handle the promise. The create method will return the path to the PDF file if the PDF is generated successfully. Otherwise, it will throw an error.


If required you can change the configuration of the invoice. It is an object with the following structure:


All the text strings that are used in the invoice can be customized. For example:

const { PDFInvoice } = require('@h1dd3nsn1p3r/pdf-invoice');

const create = async(): Promise<void> => {
    const payload = {
        // ....

    const config = {
        // Custom labels.
        string: {
            invoice: "F A C T U A",
            refNumber: "Referencia",
            date: "Fecha",
            dueDate: "Fecha de vencimiento",
            status: "Estado",
            billTo: "Facturar a",
            item: "Artículo",
            quantity: "Cantidad",
            price: "Precio",
            tax: "Impuesto",
            total: "Total",
            subTotal: "Subtotal",
            totalTax: "Total Impuesto",

    // Create the invoice.
    const invoice = new PDFInvoice(payload, config);
    const pdf = await invoice.create();



Following are the fonts that are available build-in with the library:

  • Helvetica
  • Times
  • Courier

All these three fonts includes regular, bold, italic and bold-italic styles. You can use them in the configuration object. For example:

const config = {
    // ....
		style: {
			font: "Helvetica", // "Helvetica", "Times", "Courier"
			fontSize: 10, // Optional. Default is 10.
			lineHeight: 1.8, // Optional. Default is 1.8.
			color: "#000000", // Optional. Default is black.

Any font can be used with the font option by passing the fonts TTF files path. For example:

const config = {
		// ....
		font: {
			Noto: {
				normal: path.join(__dirname, "fonts/noto/regular.ttf"),
				italics: path.join(__dirname, "fonts/noto/italic.ttf"),
				bold: path.join(__dirname, "fonts/noto/bold.ttf"),
				bolditalics: path.join(__dirname, "fonts/noto/bold-italic.ttf"),
		style: {
			font: "Noto",
			fontSize: 10, // Optional. Default is 10.
			lineHeight: 1.8, // Optional. Default is 1.8.
			color: "#000000", // Optional. Default is black.

If you need additional information do check the example. In the example, I have used "Noto" and the TTF files of Noto font are included in the fonts directory. If you have non-latin characters, then you can use any custom font that supports the characters.


This library is written in TypeScript. If you need to import the types, then you can import them from global.d.ts file. Refer to Global types file for more information.


import type { CompanyInfo, CustomerInfo, InvoiceInfo, ItemInfo, QRInfo, InvoicePayLoad } from '@h1dd3nsn1p3r/pdf-invoice/global.d.ts';


Refer to releases section for more information.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.