cPing concurrently checks if hosts are responding using ICMP echo or TCP SYN.
pip3 install cping
cPing uses unprivileged sockets; no need for root privileges.
cping host1 host2
Tip: When you launch cPing, look at the footer; it's got some useful actions.
See the available arguments to adjust the behavior of cPing or use a different protocol.
cping -h
If you found a bug, or just have a question/suggestion, please open an issue (greatly appreciated).
The sparkline (right part of the screenshot) is simplified on Windows as it doesn't support the required block characters. If you know of any substitutes, let me know.
If you're getting a Permission denied
exception, it is likely that your OS is
too old to have unprivileged ICMP sockets enabled by default. You can enable
this with:
sudo sh -c 'echo net.ipv4.ping_group_range = 0 2147483647 >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
sudo sysctl -p