A follow up of the IV International Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies
An occasion to join teams on advanced software developments for complementary currencies, tools for the social economy and entrepreneurship. An opportunity to develop tools inspired by the practices and needs learned during the Conference. An opportunity to improve jointly existing platforms and solutions. An opportunity to test new technologies. An opportunity to test new concepts.
13th May, 17:00, Parc Tecnològic Nou Barris
Presentation of the hackathon. Welcome to participants. Goals and rules. Exposition of the challenges at each of the ateliers.
15 May, 9:00 to 15:30 (free networking afternoon) 16, 17 May, 9:00 to 17:00 laFede.cat – Organitzacions per a la justícia global C. Tàpies, 1-3, 08001 Barcelona Tel. 93 442 28 35 http://www.lafede.cat/
Tasks and challenges
- Different models of currencies. Community Mutual Credit, Commodity Based, P2P credits, Time Banks, etc. Money transfer systems. Donations Transfer Systems. Crowdfunding.
- Social Networks, Volunteering Organizers, Cooperation Organizers, DAOs, Cooperative Enterprises, Social Enterprises and NGO’s.
- Voting Systems, Democracies, Futarchy’s, Peoples Republics
- Prediction Markets and Consultation Tools
- Markets and Shopping. Digital content. Property registration.
- Chats, posts and communication channels.
Tasks and challenges
- Faircoin 2 new blockchain with proof of cooperation.
- How to create a CVN and support faircoin 2.
- Fairpay. Payments systems for make easy to use social currencies for everyone.
- Bank of the commons. How to integrate banking and alternative currencies.
- OCP. Multicurrency wallet. Tasks management, value distribution with any currency.
Tasks and challenges
- CES and Community forge have been working for many years towards interoperability between community currency networks, but we have been stuck in a 'platforms' mentality.
- By switching to a REST API and 'mobile first' way of thinking we've come up with some easy ways that different platforms can start to work together.
- In this atelier targeted to the credit Commons Collective we'll be specifying and coding together, anticipating great gains in a short period of time.
17 May, 17:00 - 18:30 laFede.cat – Organitzacions per a la justícia global C. Tàpies, 1-3, 08001 Barcelona Tel. 93 442 28 35 http://www.lafede.cat/
- Exposition of developments by each of the teams
- Voting
- Winning awards