Extensions for building lecture handouts & slides with Sphinx.
Start with one document ➡️ instantly generate lecture handouts and slides
- Reveal.js!
- Automatic syntax highlighting with Pygments
- Show examples of console/terminal output
- Include code from external files
- Hint boxes!
- Render diagrams, graphs, math equations
- ...and more!
# With pipenv
pipenv install -e git+https://github.com/hackbrightacademy/sphinx-lectern.git#egg=sphinx-lectern
# With pip
pip install git+https://github.com/hackbrightacademy/sphinx-lectern.git#egg=sphinx-lectern
Wanna learn more? Check out our docs here.
Just... uh... don't be too disappointed that there's not much there 😬
lectern_substitutions = {
# Python executable & version
"pyname": "Python 3",
"py": "python3",
"pyi": "`python3`",
"pycmd": "`python3`:cmd:",
# iPython
"ipyname": "IPython",
"ipy": "ipython3",
"ipyi": "`ipython3`",
"ipycmd": "`ipython3`:cmd:",
"pipname": "Pip 3",
"pip": "pip3",
"pipi": "`pip3`",
"pipcmd": "`pip3`:cmd:",
# Virtualenv manager
"venvname": "Virtualenv",
"venv": "virtualenv",
"venvi": "`virtualenv`",
"venvcmd": "`virtualenv`:cmd:",
# Text editor
"editorname": "VS Code",
"editor": "code",
"editori": "`code`",
"editcmd": "`code`:cmd:",