This is a starting point for a Docker-based flask app, configured for continuous integration with Travis and continuous deployment to AWS. Just clone and rename the repo and start coding.
If you're working on a Mac, you'll need a Linux virtual machine to use for development. Vagrant and Virtualbox are a great, free solution:
- Vagrant:
- Virtualbox:
You can install Virtuabox on a Mac using Homebrew:
$ brew cask install virtualbox
$ brew cask install vagrant
Now you can start the environment:
$ git clone
$ cd flask-app-template
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-docker-compose
$ vagrant up
You'll be prompted to login using an account with admin privileges on your host machine to enable network synchronization of the source tree on your host machine with the Vagrant VM.
Once the VM is started, check out the app:
$ open
If you are getting an error, give it a minute but you may need to run
$ vagrant ssh
Then try refreshing or opening the page again.
Like the Mac, Windows requires you to run Linux in a virtual machine, and Vagrant/Virtualbox are a great choice!
- Other pre-requisites?
- Install vagrant and virtualbox on Windows
- Clone the repo and vagrant up
- Test
On Linux, you can run Docker natively, so you don't actually need a virtual machine. To install Docker, make sure you're logged in as a user with sudo privileges. You'll need wget, and you'll need to make sure you have installed all of the pre-requisites for your version of Linux, which can be numerous (there were none for Ubuntu 64-bit 14.04.2).
- Docker:
- Docker Compose:
Start by installing Docker:
$ wget -qO- | sh
$ sudo usermod -aG docker <your user name>
Now verify that Docker is properly installed:
$ docker run hello-world
Then install Docker Compose:
$ sudo -i curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
At this point, you can clone the repo and start the Docker containers:
$ git clone
$ cd flask-app-template
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
You might see the following error message when attempting to start the containers:
Cannot start container <container>: Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
If that is the case, kill all processes using that adress and try starting the containers again:
$ sudo fuser -k 80/tcp
$ docker-compose up
You might additionally see the following error message:
Conflict. The name "flaskapptemplate_nginx_1" is already in use by container <container>. You have to delete (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
If that is the case, stop and remove all containers and restart:
$ docker-compose stop
$ docker-compose rm
$ docker-compose up
Once the Docker containers have started, check out the app:
$ open #on mac
$ curl #on linux
If you use a firefox to check out the app, make sure you have 'use system proxy settings' checked off in Connection Settings, which can be found under the Network Tab in Advanced Preferences
Note that docker containers run directly on their Linux host machines, not in a virtual guest machine, so you can access any exposed ports on the loopback address:
Vagrant configures and launches a Virtualbox VM based on the Vagrantfile located in the project root and then runs docker-compose in the VM. Docker compose configures launches the Docker containers that are specified in docker-compose.yml, each according to its Dockerfile.
As a starting point, this repo only includes some very basic components:
- LICENSE: It's MIT licensed!
- this file
- Vagrantfile: configures a VM that runs docker-compose on boot
- app: Docker container based on the official flask image, along with the flask/express app scaffolding
- docker-compose.yml: runs the configured Docker containers
- nginx: Docker container for the official nginx image, configured as a reverse proxy for the app
You can add additional services like mongodb, mysql, redis, and elasticsearch as separate containers. As a convention, add each container in its own directory under the project root and configure the container in docker-compose.yml.
Note: Docker uses volumes to mount host directories in containers; so you can keep directories on your host and your container in sync. This allows you to do things like develop in your host using your favorite editor while you watch for changes to code in your container so you can automatically reload your application and/or run tests. Docker containers mount volumes at boot time, not at build time, in order to maintain portability from host to host. If you try to mount a volume on a mount point inside your container, the contents of the mounted volume will overwrite any files or directories that might have previously existed in your mount point.
This makes installing application dependencies at build time (e.g. running npm install, pip or whatever package manager you use) a little tricky. They key is to install dependencies in a separate directory from your volume mount point, so they don't get overwritten when the container boots. You can then either modify your application to look for dependencies wherever you installed them, or you can copy the dependencies to your mounted volume before starting your application. Note that any changes to your mounted volume will be reflected in your host directory, which isn't desirable. Neither is having a non-standard deployment directory structure.
TODO: decide on the best approach.......
This environment is designed to support GitHub Flow, which is described in more detail here: GitHub Flow. GitHub Flow works for Web applications that don't have traditional releases but instead aim to continuously deploy smaller changes to production as often as several times a day. Here's a summary:
- Pull from the upstream repo to make sure your local copy is in sync.
- Create a local feature branch.
- Develop the new feature and all necessary unit and functional tests. We're not dogmatic about whether you should do so in a test-first manner; use your judgement. But do write automated tests.
- On save, tests will automatically run and the application will automatically reload in the container. Repeat the code/test cycle until the test passes.
- TODO: look for clock skew issues in container
- Frequently commit your changes.
- Push your changes to a Github feature branch of the same name at least once a day.
- Travis will run tests automatically on push
- Repeat until you’re ready to merge your commits (remember to frequently rebase with upstream master)
- Push to Github and open a pull request
- Review and merge the pull request to staging branch to deploy to staging environment
- Acceptance test and merge the pull request to production branch to deploy to production environment
- Deploy to AWS staging and production
You can find lots of useful information about Docker containers here:
Here are some useful Docker commands that you can run from your host, assuming your containers are running in a VM under Vagrant. Make sure that you run these from your project root directory, where your Vagrantfile is located.
To ssh to your VM (it's just a Linux host)
$ vagrant ssh
To show the Docker containers that are currently running:
$ vagrant ssh -c 'docker ps'
To tail the log files from your containers:
$ vagrant ssh -c 'docker logs -f flaskapptemplate_appsvr_1'
$ vagrant ssh -c 'docker logs -f flaskapptemplate_nginx_1'
To open a shell in your Docker container:
$ vagrant ssh -c 'docker exec -i -t flaskapptemplate_appsvr_1 bash'
To rebuild a container after changing a Dockerfile:
TODO: Fork this repo, rename
You'll need to setup your own continous integration service. This repo comes with Travis CI already configured. Once you've pushed your code to Github, login into Travis and connect it to your repo. By default, your first build will happen the next time that you push this repo to Github.
To run just the test without deploying to Elastic Beanstalk comment out everything below, and including the line with before_deply
. You can add it back after setting up Elastic Beanstalk and instructions for automatic deployment with travis can be found below.
NOTE: This is only relevant on the Docker Host (e.g. Linux).
Install Elastic Beanstalk CLI
TODO: Add EB CLI install to Vagrantfile for Mac. Then vagrant ssh
Clone the repo and run the environment locally:
$ git clone
$ cd flask-app-template
$ eb init
$ eb local run
Test the local environment:
$ curl
$ eb create
WARNING: The Multi-container Docker platform requires additional ECS permissions. Add the permissions to the aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role or use your own instance profile by typing "-ip {profile-name}".
For more information see:
Enter Environment Name
(default is flask-app-template-dev): flaskAppTemplateProd
Enter DNS CNAME prefix
(default is flaskAppTemplateProd):
lots of output...
Test the production environment:
$ curl
TODO: Setup automated deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
eb clone │
Enter name for Environment Clone
(default is my-cloned-env): FlaskAppTemplateStaging
Enter DNS CNAME prefix
(default is FlaskAppTemplateStaging):
lots of output...
Test the staging environment:
$ curl
###Automated deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Already configured in this repo is the travis CI mL file to allow for automated deployment to EB. For public repos, you should be able to log into
To configure your Elastic Beanstalk deployment keys you can follow the format of the .travis.yml
- You will need to replace the
with your own ID - You will need to encrypt your
with the Travis CLI - To encrypt your key, follow the instructions from Travis
- You will also need to change the repo and branch names as needed to match your fork.
- Be sure you have an S3 bucket with folders created for
and the correct names are referenced in the.travis.yml
Copyright (c) 2015 The Hackerati. This software is licensed under the MIT License.