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How Knowledgebase will use People Depot

Ethan-Strominger edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 21 revisions


  • Knowledgebase - KB
  • People Depot - PD
  • Meta document records - MDR


The KB system maintains meta data about documents in MDRs. There are two ways KB uses PD data:

  • User and security is set up in PD.
  • A MDR can be associated with users, practice areas, program areas, and tools, all maintained by PD. A MDR can also be associated with a phase and with one or more technologies, both maintained by KB.


When accessing the KB system, users can choose to sign up, sign in, or skip with view only access to PD data.

User Sign Up Through KB

Users signing themselves up through KB will be directed to SSO. Information provided during sign up will populate both the KB and PD users table. During the sign up, the user will be prompted to select admin, maintainer, approver, or create MDR for requested level of access for PD. Admin, mainter, approver, will generate a request in PD and will be approved by a PD or KB administrator. Once the request is approved, the user will be assigned the appropriate role which is then replicated to KB.

User Sign Up Through Other Apps

Users who have signed up through other apps must have been granted Hack4LA access (is_staff flag = true) either by an admin when creating an account or when reviewing accounts created through self service.

User Sign In

User sign in will sign in through SSO. Any KB roles associated with the user will be gathered.


Only users with a PD account will have access to KB. These users will be able to view all data used by MDR, create an MDR, associate data with the MDR, and update an MDR they added.

Users with Maintainer role will be able to

  • view all data as above,
  • create, update, and archive/delete MDRs and associations to the MDRs.
  • view and update author info for all users
  • create, update, and archive/delete technologies and phases

Approvers will be able to do everything a maintainer can, as well as Admin will be able to do all above as well as maintain requests and roles for users.

The above is detailed in the below table.

Roles Privilege Admin Approver Maintainer Default
User role assignment
Admin, Approver, Maintainer View and update author related info for all users (PD) X X X
Admin View, approve, and disapprove requests for KB role (PD) X
Admin Assign and de-assign KB roles (PD) X
Update App Data
! Admin, Approver, Maintainer View author related info for all users (PD) X X X
All View all practice areas, program areas and tools (PD) X X X
All Create MDRs (PD) X X X X
All Update and archive MDR created by self, including assocations with practice areas, program areas, and technologies (KB, PD) X X X
Admin, Approver, Maintainer Update and archive any MDR, including assocations with practice areas, program areas, and technologies (KB, PD) X X X
Admin, Approver, Maintainer Create, update, and archive tools and phases (PD) X X X
View Privijlges
All View MDRs and associations for the MDRs (KB, PD) X X X X
All View App Data View MDR and details of associations for the MDRs (KB, PD) X X X
All View author info of users associated with an MDR (PD) X X X X
All View practice areas, program areas, and technologies (PD) X X X X
All View phases and tools X X X X

Change Password

Users can change password in the KB app which will change the password in PD. Password will not be stored in PD.


Data Replication

When KB is installed, any data in KB will be replicated to PD. Using Django web hooks, shared PD data will be replicated real time to the KB database. Replicated data will be read only. KB users will be able to maintain or view non-PD data using the Django admin screen.

NOTE: Another option is to create an app that uses the KB API when access to the data is required. The replication option was selected because Django Admin cannot use APIs to access data and it is a very convenient UI. The data replication option also makes it easier to use the app for a standalone system.

Django Roles / Groups and Permissions

KB uses Django Admin to enforce security. The security is currently based on users, groups, and permissions. In the future, security will be based on roles instead of groups. A user will be assigned one or more roles. A role is associated with permissions. A user's security is based on all the permissions for all the user's roles.

Roles vs Groups

Django Roles and Groups work the same. Both roles and groups are associated with permissions and users, so both are good for controlling privilege. The concept of "roles" is based on what role do they have in regards to the database. A group is a more generic concept that applies to the physical world, likes "teachers" or "students".

Groups are enabled out of the box. PD will be configured to disable groups and enable roles.

Sign Up Implementation

When signing up for an app, the user will be redirected to the SSO for PD.

Sign In Implementation

When signing into an app, the user will be redirected to the SSO for PD. PD will retrieve the roles which are replicated from KB to PD.

KnowledgeBase Roles and Permissions

  • People Depot roles will include: kb.admin and kb.maintainer, kb.viewer.
  • Example privileges: kb.add_article, kb.update_article, kb.delete_article, kb.view_article, and kb.do_something_special
  • Example model role privileges:
App Owner Model Role Gransted to Notes
PD User view kb.admin, kb.maintainer
PD User Role, User Role Assignment Create, View, Delete <app_label>.admin
KB Article / User Assignment view public
KB Article / User Assignment create, delete kb.admin, kb.maintainer Updates are not applicable to this model
PD Practice Area view public
KB Article / Practice Area assignment view public
KB Article / Practice Area assignment create, delete kb.admin, kb.maintainer Updates are not applicable for this model

Django admin security implementation for KB

Django admin enforces the Django roles and privileges through the UI. For example, if the user does not have privileges to add, no Add option will be displayed. A new view will be created

Django Rest API for KB

Any Django Rest API created for KB will need to enforce the functional security.

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