Using recent versions of Docker and Compose
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.25.4
$ docker --version
Docker version 19.03.8
For quick demo docker compose is the best option.
$ git clone
$ cd django-hook
$ docker-compose up
Pulling hooks (hackorama/hooks:)...
Pulling consumer (hackorama/consumer:)...
consumer_1 | Starting webhook consumer at
hooks_1 | Starting Hooks Django server at http://localhost:8000/ ...
hooks_1 | Adding webhook "Logging" (http://consumer:8888/logging) with payload "{'event': 'read', 'time': '2020-05-06T08:49:09.930594'}" to task queue
consumer_1 | Received POST /logging {"event": "read", "time": "2020-05-06T08:49:09.930594"}, Responded with 200
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up
Building hooks
Building consumer
consumer_1 | Starting webhook consumer at
hooks_1 | Starting Hooks Django server at http://localhost:8000/ ...
For dev and test scenarios Docker can be used directly for flexibility.
On docker hub: hackorama/hooks
$ docker run -d --name=hooks -p 8000:8000 -p 8888:8888 hackorama/hooks
NOTE: Default Django admin credentials are
for hooks Docker image
$ docker build -t hooks .
$ docker images | grep hooks
hooks latest 1d1aefbd1bf1 11 hours ago 963MB
$ docker run -d --name=hooks -p 8000:8000 -p 8888:8888 hooks
$ docker ps | grep hooks
22aa8a5a45ca hooks "/server/entrypoint.…" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes>8000/tcp hooks
$ docker logs hooks --follow
Huey task queue worker started with logs at /server/hey.log
Starting Hooks Django server at http://localhost:8000/ ...
Adding webhook "Alerts" (http://localhost:8888/alerts) with payload "{'event': 'create', 'time': '2020-04-09T08:51:48.381993'}" to task queue
[2020-04-09 08:51:56,695] INFO:huey:Worker-1:Added task 2bb6a2bf-cb1a-4d04-aa8a-1cf0c1581f55 to schedule, eta 2020-04-09 15:51:59.694755
Requesting POST http://localhost:8888/alerts {'event': 'create', 'time': '2020-04-09T08:51:48.381993'}
Test consumer is provided in the image and can be run as follows
$ docker exec -ti hooks bash
root@22aa8a5a45ca:/server# python /server/
Starting webhook consumer at
Received POST /alerts {"event": "create", "time": "2020-04-09T08:51:48.381993"}, Responded with 200
Open on browser to access the server.
See the tests page on how to use test consumer and test the webhook execution.
Open on browser to access the test consumer.
- Split Django and Huey process into separate Docker images
- Add a shared volume for using the same SQLite database for Django and Huey images