ImmutableSwift is a tool that generates swift models with support for immutability, coding(Coding and NSCoding), value comparions, hashing, and copying. Directly inspired by facebook/remodel.
TLDR: generate this...
import Foundation
class Friend : Hashable, Codable, NSCopying{
let name : String
let daySinceFirstMet : Int
init(name:String, daySinceFirstMet:Int) { = name
self.daySinceFirstMet = daySinceFirstMet
static func == (lhs: Friend, rhs: Friend) -> Bool {
return == && lhs.daySinceFirstMet == rhs.daySinceFirstMet
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
let copy = Friend(name:name,daySinceFirstMet:daySinceFirstMet)
return copy
...from this
Friend {
String name
Int daySinceFirstMet
You can download the latest release from here:
$ git clone
$ cd ImmutableSwift
$ swift build -c release
To generate a model, you must first create a .value
file that contains the model schema. Here is an example:
Friend {
String name
Int daySinceFirstMet
Once you create the schema file, you can generate the desired swift model with
./ImmutableSwift Path/To/ModelDirectory/Friend.value
To generate models for each .value file in a directory, substitute the file path with a directory path
# this will also generate every .value files in any sub-directories recursively
./ImmutableSwift Path/To/ModelDirectory/
ImmutableSwift assumes that all types that a model depends on reside in the same module. If a model depends on another module, simply import the required module on top of the schema. For example:
import PhoneNumber
Friend {
String name
Int daySinceFirstMet
PhoneNumber number
The syntax for import is the same as Swift's import syntax. You can import a module with import module
, import a submodule with import module.submodule
or import a specific kind of symbol with import kind module.symbol
ImmutableSwift supports adding comments to the generated models.
import PhoneNumber
Friend {
# example comment
String name
# at the moment, ImmutableSwift only support comments inside the model bracket (between brackets)
Int daySinceFirstMet
# comment must be in its own line, and starts with a pound sign #
PhoneNumber number
ImmutableSwift supports defining optional access levels for the generated models. At the moment, it only supports public
and internal
. This is mainly to help generate models in a module that are meant to be imported. For example:
public Friend {
String name
Int daySinceFirstMet
In some projects, immutable data models might need to support NSCoding. To have ImmutableSwift generate associated methods that support NSCoding, include the plugin ISCoding
in the model's schema.
# ISCoding plugin is responsible for generating the encode and init method required by NSCoding protocol
# ISCopying plugin is responsible for generating the copy method required by the NSCopying protocol
public Friend (ISCoding, ISCopying){
String name
Int daySinceFirstMet
Similar to facebook/remodel, ImmutableSwift uses a simple plugin system. The plugin system is designed to encapsulate cohesive generation logic, and extend the functionality of the code generator. You can find a list of plugins here:
To specify plugins for a specific model, add the list after the model name. Note that, if you don't specify a list of plugins to be used, ImmutableSwift will use a default list of plugins: [ISCodable, ISHashable, ISCopying].
# ISCodable is responsible for generating code for the Codable protocol
# ISHashable is responsible for generating the == and hash function for the Hashable protocol
# ISCopying is responsible for generating the copy method required by the NSCopying protocol
public Friend (ISCodable, ISHashable, ISCopying){
String name
Int daySinceFirstMet
Pull requests are very welcome!
MIT License