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Multiple Persisten Faults Attack - Parallel Key Recovery


Copyright (C) 2021  Hosein Hadipour
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Required Packages

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from faultyaes import *
import numpy as np
from statistics import mean
import random
import itertools
from fractions import Fraction
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
import pickle
from os import getpid
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload

Experiment 1

In this experiment we aim to implement the key recovery algorithm (algorithm 3) to see how it works in practice

Implement Algorithm 2: Find deltaj = skR0 + skRj For Limited Number of Given Ciphertexts

def find_delta_candidates(D0, Dj, number_of_faults):    
    lambda_prime = len(Dj)
    lambda_prime_zero = len(D0)
    final_candidates = []
    for k in range(lambda_prime_zero - number_of_faults + 1): # Iterating up to this number ensures a non-empty output
        candidates = []
        delta_counters = dict()
        for ell in range(lambda_prime):
            alpha_l = D0[k] ^ Dj[ell]
            delta_counters[alpha_l] = 1
            Dtemp = set(Dj).difference(set([Dj[ell]]))
            D0_complement = [d for d in D0 if d != D0[k]]
            for d in D0_complement:
                E = d ^ alpha_l
                if E in Dtemp:
                    delta_counters[alpha_l] += 1                    
                    Dtemp = Dtemp.difference(set([E]))
        candidates = [delta for delta in delta_counters.keys() if delta_counters[delta] >= number_of_faults]
        final_candidates = list(set(final_candidates))
    return final_candidates

Collect Candidates for (K, V)

In this experiment we guess the first byte of last round key and determine the remaining key bytes based on the derived candidates for deltaj (where 1 <= j <= 15).

Let D[0] = {d_0, d_1, d_2, ..., d_lambda0}, then for each key candidate Ki we derive the corresponding set of impossible values according to the following relations:

V = {d_0 + Ki[0], d_1 + Ki[0], ..., d_lambda0 + Ki[0]}

Note that it is oly the first byte of Ki, and the set D[0] that are used to derive the corresponding set of impossible values, i.e., Vi. In summary, for each key guess, we have a corresponding set of impossible values which is denoted by Vi.

Key Recovery

def generate_input_data_for_key_recovery(number_of_faults, number_of_known_ciphertexts):
    reference_set = set(list(range(256)))
    # Initialize a faulty AES for this experiment
    observed_bytes = [[[] for _ in range(4)] for _ in range(4)]
    non_observed_bytes = [[[] for _ in range(4)] for _ in range(4)]
    master_key = random.getrandbits(128)
    faulty_aes = AES(master_key)
    last_round_key = faulty_aes.round_keys[4*10:4*11]
    last_round_key = [last_round_key[j][i] for j in range(4) for i in range(4)]
    fault_mapping = faulty_aes.dictionary_of_replacement
    known_ciphertexts = []
    for this_query in range(number_of_known_ciphertexts):
        # Choose a plaintext at random
        plaintext = random.getrandbits(128)
        ciphertext = faulty_aes.encrypt(plaintext)
        ciphertext = text2matrix(ciphertext)
        for col in range(4):
            for row in range(4):
    for col in range(4):
        for row in range(4):
            observed = set(observed_bytes[col][row])
            non_observed_bytes[col][row] = list(reference_set.difference(observed))
    D = [[] for _ in range(16)]
    for col in range(4):
        for row in range(4):
            j = 4*col + row
            D[j] = non_observed_bytes[col][row]
    delta_candidates = []
    for position in range(16):
        deltaj = find_delta_candidates(D[0], D[position], number_of_faults=number_of_faults)
    all_possible_delta_vectors = list(itertools.product(*delta_candidates))
    k_v_candidates = dict()
    for sk0 in range(0, 256):
        for delta_vector in all_possible_delta_vectors:
            k_v_candidates[tuple([sk0 ^ delta for delta in delta_vector])] = [sk0 ^ d for d in D[0]]
    return known_ciphertexts, k_v_candidates, last_round_key, fault_mapping, D

Define a Function to Divide the Set of Key Candidates into Some Smaller Sub-stes

def chunks(data, num_of_chunks=32):
    size_of_each_chunk = len(data) // num_of_chunks
    it = iter(data)
    for i in range(0, len(data), size_of_each_chunk):
        yield {k:data[k] for k in itertools.islice(it, size_of_each_chunk)}
def check_key_candidates(number_of_faults, fault_mapping, part_of_key_candidates, known_ciphertexts):
    counter_Ki_Vi = dict()
    # pid = current_process().name
    pid = getpid()
    progress_var = 0
    number_of_candidates = len(part_of_key_candidates)
    aes_instance = AES(0)
    aes_instance.apply_fault(number_of_faults=number_of_faults, fault_mapping=fault_mapping)
    for Ki in part_of_key_candidates.keys():
        if progress_var % 50 == 0:
            print(f"process id: {pid}, candidates no {progress_var} / {number_of_candidates}")
        counter_Ki_Vi[Ki] = 0
        Ki_matrix = [[Ki[i + 4*j] for i in range(4)] for j in range(4)]
        for this_cipher in known_ciphertexts:
            counter_Ki_Vi[Ki] += aes_instance.decrypt_and_count1(this_cipher, part_of_key_candidates[Ki])
        progress_var += 1
    return counter_Ki_Vi
def compute_avg_cnt_for_wrong_and_correct_keys(number_of_faults=4, number_of_independent_experiments=10, num_of_processes=16):
    m = 256 - number_of_faults
    number_of_known_ciphertexts = int(np.ceil(m*harmonic_number(m)))
    number_of_derived_keys = []
    cnt_of_correct_keys = []
    all_cnt_of_wrong_keys = []
    true_and_retrievd_last_round_keys = dict()
    for nxp in range(number_of_independent_experiments):
        D = [[]]
        while len(D[0]) != number_of_faults:
            known_ciphertexts, k_v_candidates, last_round_key, fault_mapping, D = generate_input_data_for_key_recovery(number_of_faults, number_of_known_ciphertexts)
        counter_Ki_Vi = dict()
        number_of_candidates = len(k_v_candidates.keys())
        print("Number of faults: %d, Number of known ciphertexts: %d, Number of key candidates: %d" %\
             (number_of_faults, len(known_ciphertexts), number_of_candidates))

        # Divide the set of key candidates into some smaller chunks
        k_v_candidates_chunks = list(chunks(k_v_candidates, num_of_chunks=num_of_processes))

        print("----------------- START KEY RECOVERY -----------------")
        start_time = time.time()
        # Parallel execution
        with Pool(len(k_v_candidates_chunks)) as pool:
            arguments = [(number_of_faults, fault_mapping, k_v_chunk, known_ciphertexts)\
                for k_v_chunk in k_v_candidates_chunks]
            results = pool.starmap(check_key_candidates, arguments)
        # End of parallel execution

        # Collect the outputs of parallel processes
        for output in results:
        max_cnt = max(counter_Ki_Vi.values())
        derived_keys = [K for K in counter_Ki_Vi.keys() if counter_Ki_Vi[K] == max_cnt]
        elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
        print("Time used by key recovery: %0.2f Seconds, experiment no %2d" % (elapsed_time, nxp))
        print("------------- KEY RECOVERY WAS FINISHED -------------")
        cnts_of_wrong_keys = [cnt for cnt in counter_Ki_Vi.values() if cnt != max_cnt]
        true_and_retrievd_last_round_keys[derived_keys[0]] = last_round_key
    output_dict = dict()
    output_dict["cnt_of_correct_keys"] = cnt_of_correct_keys
    output_dict["all_cnt_of_wrong_keys"] = all_cnt_of_wrong_keys
    output_dict["avg_number_of_derived_keys"] = mean(number_of_derived_keys)
    output_dict["avg_cnt_of_correct_keys"] = mean(cnt_of_correct_keys)
    output_dict["avg_cnt_of_wrong_keys"] = mean(all_cnt_of_wrong_keys)
    return true_and_retrievd_last_round_keys, output_dict
# true_and_retrievd_last_round_keys, output_dict =\
#      compute_avg_cnt_for_wrong_and_correct_keys(number_of_faults=5, number_of_independent_experiments=2, num_of_processes=4)
# output_dict["avg_number_of_derived_keys"], \
# output_dict["avg_cnt_of_correct_keys"], \
# output_dict["avg_cnt_of_wrong_keys"], \
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Now in the main code. Process name is:', __name__)
    flag = 'compute_data'
    if flag == 'compute_data':
        results = compute_avg_cnt_for_wrong_and_correct_keys(number_of_faults=3, number_of_independent_experiments=1, num_of_processes=32)
        with open('output_lambda_2', 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(results, f)
        print("Number of derived keys: %2d, Counter of correct key: %8d, Counter of wrong key: %8d" % 
        (results[1]["avg_number_of_derived_keys"], \
        results[1]["avg_cnt_of_correct_keys"], \
    elif flag == 'read_data':
        with open('output_lambda_2', 'rb') as f:
            results = pickle.load(f)
Now in the main code. Process name is: __main__
Number of faults: 3, Number of known ciphertexts: 1547, Number of key candidates: 256
----------------- START KEY RECOVERY -----------------
process id: 9393, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9392, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9391, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9396, candidates no 0 / 8

process id: 9397, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9398, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9400, candidates no 0 / 8
process id: 9401, candidates no 0 / 8
process id: 9404, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9405, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9395, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9403, candidates no 0 / 8

process id: 9406, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9416, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9408, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9411, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9409, candidates no 0 / 8
process id: 9407, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9394, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9414, candidates no 0 / 8

process id: 9417, candidates no 0 / 8

process id: 9418, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9402, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9419, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9399, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9422, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9421, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9415, candidates no 0 / 8
process id: 9412, candidates no 0 / 8process id: 9410, candidates no 0 / 8
process id: 9413, candidates no 0 / 8

process id: 9420, candidates no 0 / 8

Time used by key recovery: 9.27 Seconds, experiment no  0
------------- KEY RECOVERY WAS FINISHED -------------
Number of derived keys:  1, Counter of correct key:    10643, Counter of wrong key:     6093