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Tags: Dynamic Programming, Greedy Search

Key ideas:

  • A combination of Dynamic Programming/Precomputation and then greedy search is needed here.
  • First:
    • Note that since the potions of A have 2 different values, they do not have a unique greedy ordering
    • The potions B, however, have one. Just sort after their value w_i
    • Apart from the first test case, sorting potions A thus has no value
  • Then we can make the observation: both the number of potions (n <= 100) and the value H are relatively small. Additionally the value H is not negatively affected by potions B
  • We can thus make a DP/memory table that still fits in memory and has not too expensive runtime:
    • define dp[i][j][h] as the largest sum of power we can get when taking j out of the first i potions that have a sum of at least h
    • size: 100 ^2 * 2^10 ~= 10^7
    • initialised with all -inf (use long because the sum of powers can be too big for integer)
    • base cases:
      • for all h, for i>=1, j==1:
        • take the highest power potions that fulfills h
        • dp[i][1][h] = pots_a[i-1].h >= h ? max(dp[i-1][1][h], pots_a[i - 1].p) : dp[i-1][1][h];
      • then, increasing j>=2, h, i>=j:
        • either the previous value without potions i was better, or we take it and can add its power to the value of i-1, j-1, and fulfilling the h-offest
        • int prev_h = max(0, h - pots_a[i-1].h);
        • dp[i][j][h] = max(dp[i-1][j][h], dp[i-1][j-1][prev_h] + pots_a[i-1].p);
  • Having filled out the DP table, we e.g. know that we can search for the smallest j for which dp[n][j][H]>=P in order to have the minimum of potions to fulfill P and H

To combine it with the potions of B, do a greedy search:

  • We take more and more potions B (sorted by their w_i), compute the current wit w that we get as well as the decrease in power via (#pot * b)
  • For a certain number of potions, we search for increasing j in our DP table:
    • We cannot take too many j that decrease the current wit too much (offset j * a)
    • While wit is okay, we search for the first j where dp[n][j][H] >= P + (#potB * b)
  • We know that the first time this conditions if fulfilled, we have the minimum potions! That is because we increase the #potB and look for the smallest j for each iteration - there cannot be a smaller sum of those values in a later iteration