Tags: Delaunay Triangulation, Union-Find, Connected Components, Closest Neighbor
Key idea: Close relation to Golden Eye problem: 1:1 correspondence between points being connected (connected components in EMST) <==> we can move between the disks of the points (for a radius >= 2 * minimal distance betw. them)
Can copy code from the EMST template, and adapt:
two UF structures, one for given initial radius with s, one for radius needed to get k
for first problem (max bones): for each component of tree, store the number of bones reachable (i.e. 4 *distance to closest point <= s) This can be done via a simple array, as UF comp. have index <= n Upon merging, add together the numbers. At the end (when all edges <= s considerd) look for max
for second problem (min. radius b to get k): Have additional edges from each bone to closest point with edge weight 4 * dist. Sort as usual, then do same procedure as above (i.e. UF) until one comp has >= k bones Then the latest edge considered has minimal radius needed
Why 4 * dist? -> for correct b, need to consider radius over all edges, but for edges between trees we have that dist = radius / 2. When we sort, we would thus mix up scale