This Arduino IDE based project showcases how the ESP32 TWAI (Two-Wire Automobile Interface, a.k.a CAN Bus) sends and receives normal, loopback, RTR CAN Bus messages.
Connect ESP32-S3 to the USB port, select the corresponding board and port.
Launch the main program TWAIMessager.ino by Arduino IDE.
Configure the GPIOs of rx pin and tx pin as follows, #define RX_GPIO_PIN GPIO_NUM_4 (or other available GPIOs) #define TX_GPIO_PIN GPIO_NUM_5 (or other available GPIOs)
Connect CAN BUS module (i.e SN65HVD230) to ESP32-S3 #CAN RX pin of CAN BUS module to pin 4 of ESP32-S3 (Other ESP32, please check the schematic of the boards) #CAN TX pin of CAN BUS module to pin 5 of ESP32-S3.
Set the Baud Rate of Serial of Arduino IDE to 115200
Tweak the timing_config accordingly if there is external CAN bus module.
Run and Upload the program.
Check the Serial Console.