An R script and markdown document attempting to quantify the impact of a project based on several factors. The code can be found in the project_impact folder.
An R script and markdown document to assemble a summary of the Technical Soil Services occuring within a set timeframe for a given region. The code can be found in the tss folder.
This is a collection of R code and functions to assist in understanding data collected on water monitoring equipment. The code can be found in the moisture_query folder.
This is an android application which is a concept for implementing an assesment of soil health by having the user answer simple questions about an area of interest. This app can be found in the NRCS Soil Health App folder. This is no longer under active development.
This is a text based menu system created in R which allows for an interactive way to execute R scripts from within the R console. The code can be found in the simple_scripts folder. This is no longer under active development.
This is a shiny app which uses R, USDA Soil Data Access and LIMS to create useful plots and reports for understanding soils. An archived version of the app can be found in the archive/r11_app folder. The app is also available online at
An app for processing soil moisture monitoring data for upload to NASIS. An archived version of the app can be found in the archive/r11_smp_app folder. The app is also available online at
An app for analyzing soil moisture monitoring data from NASIS. An archived version of the app can be found in the archive/r11_sma_app folder.