This app uses the Flickr image search API and shows the results in a scrollable view.
- The searched results shown in a scrollable view and scrollable view is endless.
- Search history
- Xcode 13
- iOS 15.0+
- Clone the repository.
- Run the app in xcode after cloning.
Thank you for the test. I wanted to refine this task as much as possible to showcase my skills but my current schedule didn’t allow me to add more hours into this. I haven't added more test cases because of time but added some test case to showcase my concepts of Unit Testing. Moreover the third party libraries I used are Alamofire as it take care of network request in a better way. However, we can also use URLSession to call Api as we are just calling single api in this application. I used SwiftyJSON because SwiftyJSON makes it easy to deal with JSON data in Swift. Moreover, I used Kingfisher because it is a powerful, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web. For saving search history I used NSUserDefault because we have to save small data. For large data I would prefer CoreData or SQLite or Realm.