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Engage Project

Push notifications are simple banner-like notifications that appear on your device when your application sends a user a notification. Push notifications are an excellent way to re-engage users by notifying them of new updates and drawing them back into your application. This repository will allow you to create and test out push notifications using a Firebase server. Using React-Native, it will allow you to create a cross-compatible mobile application, both functional on iOS and Android operating systems.

This repository uses:

  • react-native-push-notification
  • @react-native-community/push-notification-ios
  • react-native-firebase

Push notifications are handled via POST requests to a Firebase server, which then directs both FCM and APN notifications.

How to Replicate

Begin by cloning the repository:

git clone


  • Android/iOS device connected to machine via USB. If you would like to use a simulator, look here
  • A project on the Firebase Console (for the server key and the senderID)
  • Enrollment in the Apple Developer Program (for authorization keys and certificates - needed for iOS notifications)
  • Ensure devices are on the same network as your machine
  • If Android, enable USB debugging
  • If iOS, open XCode -> Preferences -> Accounts, and add your developer account
    • Select the ReactNativePushDemo project, open the project and targets list, select the target
    • Open the Signing & Capabilities tab and identify your developer profile under Team. Resolve any errors regarding the status
    • In the top bar, select + Capability and add Push Notifications. Also, add Background Modes and enable Remote notifications

Firebase Setup

Navigate to the Firebase Console and select the project you made.

  • Setup an Android Project
    • Follow through each step, with the exception of step 3
  • Setup an iOS Project
    • Follow through each step, with the exception of step 3 & 4
    • Select your iOS app under the Cloud Messaging tab in the Project Settings
    • Add either your authorization key or your certificate(s)

Code Setup

  • Obtain server key from Firebase Console and insert at < your-server-key > in App.js
  • Obtain senderID from Firebase Console and insert at < your-firebase-senderID > in app.json
  • Run npm install in the root folder in your terminal
  • From the command-line, open the ios directory, and run pod install

Run the App

  • If Android, you can simply run react-native run-android in the root folder
  • If iOS, you can run react-native run-ios --device "< device-name >" in the root folder
    • You can find the device name in the iOS Settings


Most issues can be resolved by uninstalling the app from the device and cleaning up by:

  • If Android
    • In your command-line, open the android directory, and run ./gradlew clean
  • If iOS
    • Delete the build folder from the ios directory

Following this, re-run the application.


  • The react-native-firebase dependency can entirely handle the API call, read the documentation here. However, if you would like to handle errors yourself, you can manually do the POST request, as seen in the code
    • In this repository, Firebase is configured to send both FCM and APN notifications
  • Documentation on POST requests to the FCM API can be found here. Documentation on POST requests to the APN API can be found here
  • iOS notifications do not display while the app is in the foreground, this is handled with event listeners from the push-notification-ios dependency
  • Though it happens rarely, tokens can refresh. This can be handled by onTokenRefresh from the react-native-firebase dependency, more information here