This is based on
repo. It has been modified to setup SimpleSAMLPhp as an IDP using the
authentication module. Template for registering a SAML
service provider is also included (setup/templates/saml20-sp-remote.php.tpl
This is setup to be an Identity Provider (IdP) for a
demo Phoenix application (samly_howto
). But the usage is not limited tosamly_howto
This creates samlysaml:latest
docker image. Modify the Dockerfile
if you
want to change the SimpleSAMLPhp
version. The image is based on the stock
Alpine PHP.
Add the following to your /etc/hosts
# Change the host names appropriately samly.howto idp2.samly.howto idp3.samly.howto idp1.samly idp2.samly idp3.samly
The instructions here help you setup a data container with SimpleSAMLPhp bits, launch PHP in a separate container as an upstream service and start Nginx fronting access to PHP.
Create a self-signed certificate to be used for signed SAML requests. If you are using
Elixir Phoenix based Service provider application, you can use mix phx.gen.cert
command to generate a certificate.
Check samly_howto
for instructions. This file should be copied to the setup/sp
This certificate is not the same as the key/certificate for your application's HTTPS interaction. It should be used only for SAML requests.
# Save this as
export TIMEZONE=America/New_York # <<- change this if needed
export SP_DOMAIN=samly.howto # <<- change this, this is same as SP HOST in path_segment model
export SP_PORT=4443 # <<- change this
export SP_ENTITY_ID=urn:${SP_DOMAIN}:samly_sp # <<- change this - should match what is in samly config
export SP_CERT_FILE=samly_sp.pem # <<- change this - this should be present in ./setup/sp folder
export PSWD=changeme1 # <<- change this - password for all demo users in ./setup/templates/params.tpl
export IDP_ID=idp1 # <<- change this
export IDP_HOST=${IDP_ID}.samly
export IDP_PORT=9091 # <<- change this
sudo -E ./ $*
Once saved with appropriate updated values, you can use this newly created script to manage the IdP.
This is a simple wrapper around docker-compose
. You can start IdP using the following command:
./ up -d
./ down
./ up -d
You might be prompted for sudo password.
You need to
docker-compose down
anddocker-compose up -d
again to have a functioning service the first time around. This is due to services not knowing when some of the setup is completed before starting. Yes, this could be addressed down the line. But this workaround is good enough for now.
You can use the following to get information about the IdP setup with the following command:
./ info
This will display something like the following:
IDP Metadata URL = https://idp1.samly:9091/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php
Assertion Consumer Service URL (ACS) = https://samly.howto:4443/sso/sp/consume/idp1
Single Logout URL (SLO) = https://samly.howto:4443/sso/sp/logout/idp1
SP Base URL = https://samly.howto:4443/sso
SP Entity ID = urn:samly.howto:samly_sp
SP Certificate file = samly_sp.pem
# Save this as
export TIMEZONE=America/New_York # <<- change this if needed
export SP_DOMAIN=samly.howto # <<- change this
export SP_PORT=4443 # <<- change this
export SP_ENTITY_ID=urn:${SP_DOMAIN}:samly_sp # <<- change this - should match what is in samly config
export SP_CERT_FILE=samly_sp.pem # <<- change this - this should be present in ./setup/sp folder
export PSWD=changeme2 # <<- change this - password for all demo users in ./setup/templates/params.tpl
export IDP_ID=idp2 # <<- change this
export IDP_HOST=${IDP_ID}.samly
export IDP_PORT=9092 # <<- change this
sudo -E ./ $*
Once saved with appropriate updated values, you can use this newly created script to manage the IdP.
This is a simple wrapper around docker-compose
. You can start IdP using the following command:
./ up -d
./ down
./ up -d
You might be prompted for sudo password.
You can run the following command to get information about the IdP set with the following command:
./ info
This shows out similar to:
IDP Metadata URL = https://idp2.samly:9092/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php
Assertion Consumer Service URL (ACS) = https://idp2.samly.howto:4443/sso/sp/consume
Single Logout URL (SLO) = https://idp2.samly.howto:4443/sso/sp/logout
SP Base URL = https://idp2.samly.howto:4443/sso
SP Entity ID = urn:samly.howto:samly_sp
SP Certificate file = samly_sp.pem
You can create another instance of an IdP for use with your sub-domain based Phoenix application by simply copying this newly created script as
and changing the values ofIDP_ID
and password.
Visit the URL https://${IDP_HOST}:${IDP_PORT}/simplesaml
. You should be able to login
as administrator using the password you set in your compose script.
Check out the Federation
tab. You should see the SAML service provider.
If there are any errors in the process, you should be able to change the
variables in your compose script file, bring down the containers
using ./ down
and re-create using ./ up -d
Keep in mind this is meant for development purposes only.