This is a printing application for the Ohio State University. The intention of creating this application is to help CSE major student to print their documents using CSE printers more efficiently. Of course, it can support different majors, departments such as ECE.
- Run Printer_GUI.exe as administator.
- Click "Load Printer" on the menu bar to load all the printers.
- Click the checkboxs for all the printers that you would like to load.
- Click "Apply" in the bottom.
- Click on the "Account Info" on the menu bar to enter your account info for a department.
- Click on save to save your username and password.
- After you've done all the instructions from 1 to 6, right click on any file you want to print.
- Select "OSU Printers" in the right click menu and choose the printer loaded in step 3.
- Enjoy!
Windows 7, x86 or x64
Windows 8, x86 or x64
Windows 10, x86 or x64
Sorry, Windows XP is not supported.
.Net Platform 4.0 is a the minimum version require for running this application. If you do not have it, please download it at Microsoft official website.
0.0.1 Initial Release
0.0.2 Add support to printing .doc, .docx files
0.1.0 Change the way of getting server_config.xml
Author: Te Zhang
If you like it, please feel free to recommend to your friend.
Thank you!