0.28 Beta 8
Version 0.28 Beta 8
- Highlight Great Spook's answer in blue. - not_a_cow (#2798)
- Added the date to the Custom Scoreboard Lobby code. - j10a1n15 (#2802)
- Added an option to display the profile type instead of the name in the Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (#2810)
- Fixed the mouse not unlocking when teleporting to the Barn. - not_a_cow (#2799)
- Fixed dyes being incorrectly modified in Hoppity's Collection after disabling "Re-Color Missing Rabbit Dyes". - MTOnline (#2803)
- Fixed the Broodmother line in the Custom Scoreboard having a leading space. - j10a1n15 (#2810)
- Fixed the "Colored Class Level" tab list displaying "null". - j10a1n15 (#2814)
- Fixed own player messages not being reformatted by chat formatting. - !nea (#2806)
- Also fixed ranks losing their "+" colors.
- Fixed "Dungeon Potion level as stack size" not working in shop menus. - phoebe (#2825)
- Fixed being unable to use the "Close" button when "Change all clicks to shift clicks in brewing stands" is enabled. - phoebe (#2824)
- Fixed API error when sending Jacob Contests. - Ke5o (#2819)
- Fixed the Great Spook features. - martimavocado (#2804)