This is a ToDo List / Time Tracker / Personal Jira Task Manager for Linux, MacOS and Windows to make you work super productively.
Build with the awesome electron.
- Configurable and automatable Jira integration for:
- searching and adding tasks from jira
- creating (local/personal) sub tasks for your jira tickets
- worklogs (tracking your work to jira)
- Setting transitions aka setting tickets to in progress or done
- Automatic notifications once your (current) task has changed or been commented on jira => no messy email notifications required any more
- Time Tracking
- Sub Tasks
- Task Backlog
- 'Take a break' reminder
- Daily Schedule
- Daily Summary
- Full Keyboard Support
- (Anti-) Distraction Pad
- Different Themes!
And much more!
git clone
cd super-productivity
# install electron, gulp, bower and node gyp globally
npm install -g electron node-gyp gulp bower
npm install && bower install
gulp build # or for dev run 'gulp'/'gulp serve' in a separate tab
npm start # on windows use "set NODE_ENV=DEV electron ./electron/main.js" instead
(not yet compiled)
There is also a web-version but it is much more limited (no Jira integration, no time tracking).