The hapi utility toy chest
Lead Maintainer - Devin Ivy
npm install @hapipal/toys
See also the API Reference
Toys is intended for use with hapi v20+ and nodejs v16+ (see v3 for lower support).
Toys is a collection of utilities made to reduce common boilerplate in hapi v20+ projects.
Below is an example featuring Toys.auth.strategy()
and Toys.withRouteDefaults()
. The API Reference is also filled with examples.
const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi');
const Boom = require('@hapi/boom');
const Toys = require('@hapipal/toys');
(async () => {
const server = Hapi.server();
// Make a one-off auth strategy for testing
Toys.auth.strategy(server, 'name-from-param', (request, h) => {
// Yes, perhaps not the most secure
const { username } = request.params;
if (!username) {
throw Boom.unauthorized(null, 'Custom');
return h.authenticated({ credentials: { user: { name: username } } });
// Default all route methods to "get", unless otherwise specified
const defaultToGet = Toys.withRouteDefaults({ method: 'get' });
method: 'post',
path: '/',
handler: (request) => {
return { posted: true };
{ // Look ma, my method is defaulting to "get"!
path: '/as/{username}',
options: {
auth: 'name-from-param', // Here's our simple auth strategy
handler: (request) => {
const username = request.auth.credentials?.user?.name;
return { username };
await server.start();
console.log(`Now, go forth and ${}/as/your-name`);