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Store stuff in memory-backed objects, smartly.


var NoSQL = require('haraka-nosql');
var nosql = new NoSQL('myindex', {
    storage: 'redis',  // or 'ram' or 'ssc'
    expire: 10,        // minutes

Exports the following functions:


nosql.set('foo', 'bar', function (err, result) {
    if (err) {
        // error handling code
    // do fun stuff with result

You're confident it'll work out? Skip the callback, it's optional. For all of these methods.

nosql.set('foo', 'bar');  // going commando


nosql.get('foo', function (err, result) {
    if (err) { return; }
    // result == 'bar'  (because that's what we set it to)


nosql.del('foo', function (err, result) {
    if (err) { return; }
    // result == 1   (# of objects keys deleted)


nosql.incrby('my_counter', 1, function (err, result) {
    if (err) { return; }
    // result == 1  (it was undef, now it's initialized to 1)

nosql.incrby('my_counter', 2);  // breezy!
// now my_counter == 3   (increment 1 with 2 and math!)



// all your keys are belong to /dev/null

RAM? That ain't workin'


  • simple
  • no dependencies


  • Data disappears when Haraka is restarted.
  • Not shared across hosts
  • With cluster, worker processes share no data. Therefore, each worker process has a partial (incomplete) view of the state data.

Cluster RAM

  • When running with cluster, nosql attempts to load strong-store-cluster, which stores data in the master worker.


  • All Haraka processes share a single RAM backed data store.


  • There's no "reset" operation. Instead, keys expire after 10 minutes (edit config/nosql.ini [cluster]expire to alter. This is great for features such as concurrency or brute-force auth tracking.



  • disk backed RAM storage
  • same view across Harka master & worker processes
  • persistence across Haraka & server reboots
  • network service, can be shared by many hosts

Enable Redis

sed -i.bak -e 's/; backend=redis/backend=redis/' /my/haraka/config/nosql.ini

Redis isn't running on localhost!

$EDITOR config/nosql.ini

Edit the settings in the [redis] section.

I need more Redis features

When Redis is configured, the redis connection is exported as nosql.redis. Use it like so:

var nosql = require('haraka-nosql');
var redis = nosql.redis;

     .exec(function (err, res) {

Refer to the excellent Redis command docs


What about key collisions?

Collisions are only possible within your namespace. Each caller of nosql automatically gets its own namespace. In RAM, each namespace is a JS object, rather like this:

    karma: {
        key: val,
        key2: val2,
    limit: {
        key: val,
        key2: val2,

In Strong Store Cluster, each caller gets its own collection.

In Redis, get|del|incrby operations are mapped to their hash equivalents (hget, hdel, hincrby).