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MVP2 Editable w Auth

evandahs15 edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 1 revision

The Goal with MVP2 is to have a -

Register page w/

  • email
  • Firstname and Lastname
  • password
  • submit button When you press the submit button it will take you to the edit Profile page.

Edit Profile page

-you can only edit your profile once your logged in, cant edit others

  • select a profile pic from 5 avatars pictures
  • Read only text fields with an edit button and submit button
  • when you press the edit button you can edit the text fields and press submit
  • when you press submit button it will make the text field read only, and update the state.
  • Contact form complete with submit button that will send an email to the users email address ( use plugin formspree)

Full styling will be complete!

  • all text fields will be styled according to the UI
  • Menu button will be complete


  • authentication complete