This repository contains RabbitMQ Demos/Tutorials with amqplib
node-js library.
RabbitMQ speaks multiple protocols. But in this demo/tutorial I used AMQP 0-9-1
, which is an open, general-purpose protocol for messaging.
Wants to run my demo code:
Clone the repository:
git clone <Repository Path> cd rabbitmq-nodejs-demos
Install all dependencies:
npm install
Wants to run your own code:
npm init -y npm install amqplib
terminal 1
start/run rabbitmq server with docker:docker-compose up --build
terminal 2
start message/job publisher:node <folder-name>/producer.js
terminal 3
start message/job consumer:node <folder-name>/consumer.js
A "Simple Hello World" example, with one script producer.js sending a message to a queue,and another consumer.js receiving messages from the same queue.
Using RabbitMQ as a work queue
; producer.js creates a task, and consumer.js processes tasks. Multiple consumer.js process will share the tasks among them. Long-running tasks are simulated by supplying a delay time(second) in command arguments.
Using RabbitMQ as a broadcast mechanism
. producer.js sends a "log" message to a fanout
exchange, and all consumer.js processes receive log messages.
Using RabbitMQ as a routing ('somecast') mechanism
. producer.js sends a log message with a severity/routing key, and all consumer.js processes receive log messages for the severities/binding keys on which they are listening.
With help of topic
we can able to overcome the limitation of previous feature/demo routing
. Here we can pass complex wildcard pattern.
Using RabbitMQ as an RPC(Remote procedure call)
intermediary, queueing requests for servers and routing replies back to clients.
Using RabbitMQ as a priority queue
, showing how to set maximum priority value supported by the queue and setting priority of each message pushed to the queue. In case of messages having equal value of priority, they are consumed in FIFO order.
The RabbitMQ Delayed Message Plugin
adds a new exchange type to RabbitMQ where messages routed by that exchange can be delayed if the user adds a delay header to a message.
Using RabbitMQ to implement a basic multiple retry mechanism
in case of processing failures in message/job consumer.