Competition hosted on Hackerearth
Freshwater is one of our most vital and scarce natural resources, making up just 3% of the earth’s total water volume. It touches nearly every aspect of our daily lives, from drinking, swimming, and bathing to generating food, electricity, and the products we use every day. Access to a safe and sanitary water supply is essential not only to human life, but also to the survival of surrounding ecosystems that are experiencing the effects of droughts, pollution, and rising temperatures.
In this track of the hackathon, you will have the opportunity to apply the oneAPI skills to help global water security and environmental sustainability efforts by predicting whether freshwater is safe to drink and use for the ecosystems that rely on it.
You can download the dataset here
Usage of Intel® oneAPI AI Analtyics toolkits is mandatory to participate.
- Missing value analysis
- Numerical column distribtution analysis
- Interaction between categorical and numerical columns
- modin(intel) pandas
- numpy
- seaborn
- matplotlib
- missingno
- klib
The missing values are imputed by two method.
- Odor
- Total Dissolved Solids
- pH
- Iron
- Nitrate
- Chloride
- Lead
- Zinc
- Turbidity
- Fluoride
- Copper
- Odor
- Sulfate
- Conductivity
- Water Temperature
- Air Temperature