A python package for extracting evolutionary trajectories from genotype-phenotype-maps
A Python API for the simulation and analysis of evolution in genotype-phenotype space. You can use this library to:
- Build a markov state model from a genotype-phenotype-map.
- Find clusters of genotypes that represent metastable states of the system, using PCCA+.
- Compute fluxes and pathways between pairs of genotypes and/or clusters of interest, using Transition Path Theory.
- Visualize the outputs of all of the above.
Create a random genotype-phenotype map using gpvolve
from gpmap.simulate import generate_nk
import numpy as np
# Generate random genotype-phenotype map
gpm = generate_nk(gpm_output_column='phenotype',
# Find all neighbors between nodes
Assign customized fitness values to the genotype-phenotype map (required in order for gpvolve
to work)
# Define some values for fitness, it can be anything you want
# EXAMPLE 1 : random fitness values based on how many genotypes there are
fitnesses = np.random.random(size=len(gpm.data.genotype))
# EXAMPLE 2 : fitness values based on a phenotype value
fitnesses = np.log(gpm.data.phenotype)
# Add fitness values column to gpm.data pandas data frame using pandas in-place operations
gpm.data.loc[:,"fitness"] = fitnesses
Find the optimal number of clusters to divide your genotypes.
from gpvolve.cluster import optimize
optimal_num_clusters = optimize(T, criterion='Spectral gap')
Plot and color the nodes of the genotypes using any attribute within the genotype-phenotype map.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from gpmap import GenotypePhenotypeGraph
# Remove self-looping edges
gpm.neighbors.loc[gpm.neighbors.direction != 1,"include"] = False
# Create GenotypePhenotypeGraph object
G = GenotypePhenotypeGraph()
# Add custom node data and labels, with chosen colormaps
# Plot map
G, fig, ax = plot(G,
ax.set_title("Map nodes labeled by genotype and colored by fitness",
To install from PyPI:
pip install gpvolve
To install a development version:
git clone https://github.com/harmslab/gpvolve
cd gpvolve
pip install -e .
To install a development version from testpypi:
pip install --upgrade cython msmtools tqdm
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ gpmap==0.8.3
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ gpvolve==0.3.1