React.createElement => Object => HTMl LEm
JSX (transplied before it reached the JS) - PARCEL - Babel
JSX => React.createElement => ReactElement-JS Object => HTMLElement(Render)
- Dev Build
- Local Server
- HMR: Hot Module Reload
- File Watching Algorithm- writeen in C++
- Caching: Faster Builds
- Image Optimization
- Minification
- Bundling: Taking all your files and bundle into one
- Compress
- Consistent Hashing
- Code Splitting
- Diffrential Bundling: Support older browser
- Diagnostic
- Error Handling
- Tree Shaking: remove unused code
- Different dev and product bundles
- Logo
- Nav Items
- Body
- Search Bar
- Cart Container
Restraunt Container
- Card
- Img
- Name, Star Rating, Cuisine, Time to Deliver
- Copyright
- Links
- Address
- Contact
Two types of Export/Import:
- export Default {function based component name}
- export with var
- list of Restaurants->AllRestaurants
- restaurant is the json List main keyword
- infowithstyle."restraunts" is the sub json keyword for array list
- In FiterData, AllRestaurants is passed as restaurants
- If no dependency array, useEffect is called on every Render
- If dependency array is empty = [] => useEffect is called on initial render(just once)
- If dependency array is [blah blah] => called everytime 'blah blah' is updated(might trigger update onClick of a button)
- Always try to use Hooks on the top of the Body/Header etc to leave no chance of inconsistency
- Never create Use State Hook inside a if-else [might create inconsistency]
- Never do above inside function/ any for loop
- Client Side Routing
- Server Side Routing
There is a dynamic route for each restaurant which loads dynamic content to display on the Res-card page for each restaurant
- to Make API Call
- Conventionally(function based component), first we load a component and when the component has been loaded, we make API call to fetch the data
- i.e Loads->Render->API->Render
- Thus in class based component, cdm is used to perform the same above task instead of delaying till fetch completion
- Breaking down code into smaller and simpler parts so that your code becomes much more easy to manage and update/customize
- We write test cases for each and every sub component file which can help us catch edge cases and bugs very easily
- Based upon Single Responsibility Principle and thus helps improve scopr of Testing
- Tools [ESLint] that gives set of rules for JavaScript code that cover stylistic choices and prevent common bugs.
- Available to add React-specific rules that will help you write solid React applications
- Syntatically Awesome Style Sheet: It's and extension of CSS with additional features thta make it more powerful + compatible with CSS
- But not used in industry level projects; only for smaller scale
- Most common industry level method in Industry level project is Style Component
- We here will be using TailWind CSS
- It is a software toll that uses Javascript-based plugins to automate CSS operations
- It is simply a tool for transforming Css with Javascript i.e Postcssrc is used to kind of understand Tailwaind by out parcel (bundler)
- It is a function that takes a component as an arguement and returns a new component that wraps the original component
- Kind of a resuing component Logic
- Install @reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux
- Build our own store
- Connect out store to our app
- Slice (cartSlice)
- dispatch (action)
- Selector