this file contains all the ds and algo on the d simple array
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- traverse array
- insert at particular position
- delete from particular position
- delete values by finding them
- reverse a array
- normal searching
- binary search
- sort array using bubble short
- remove duplicate elements from the array
this file contains all the ds and algo on the 2d matrix
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- transpose matrix
- increasing matrix size
- adding two matrix
- mutiplying two matrix
- taking input from user in vector form
- print matrix
- print matrix in spiral form
- finding saddle point
- reducing special matrix like diagonal , tridiagonal , triangular etc
this file represent the singly linked list implementation
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- creating a singly linked list
- get the pointer to a certain position in a linked list
- inserting in a singly linked list
- traversing a singly list list
this file represent the circular linked list implementation
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- return the last node of the circular linked list
- add to a empty circular linked list
- add to the beginning in a circular linked list
- add after a certain position in linked list
- add to the end of the linked list
- check whether a linked list is circular or note
- delete a node at a certain position in circular linked list
- get a node position of the first apperance of the key
- get a node after a certain pos
- get the lenght of linked list
this file represent the doubly linked list implementation
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- add node at the beginning of the linked list
- display from head
- display from tail
- get the lenght of linked list
this file contains the pre build stacks and its operations
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- push
- pop
- peek
- isStackEmpty
- isStackFull
This code is licensed under GPL 3.0 , which means you can use this code in any of your project and also modify it if needed.
But it is recommended that you contribute some of the extra features to the community as well (^_^)