A header file that as number of pre loaded matrix operations , just pass the value and see the results
Download the matrixOperations.h header file and paste it into your source code folder and then write this in your .cpp file
#include "matrixOperations.h"
creating a object for using methods
Matrix m;
returns a transposed matrix
transposed = m.transposeMatrix(vector <vector <int>> v);
inserts values to increase matrix size to desired number of row and col
m.increaseMatrix(vector <vector <int>> &v , int m , int n , int value = 0)
return the addition result of two matrix
added = m.add2Matrix(vector <vector <int>> v1 , vector <vector <int>> v2)
return the multiplication result of two matrix
added = m.multiply2Matrix(vector <vector <int>> v1 , vector <vector <int>> v2)
return the matrix inputted by user
inputted = m.input2dArray(int row , int coloumn)
matrix will be printed seperated by the sep
m.printMatrix(vector <vector <int>> v , string sep = " ")
returns the saddle point of matrix , throws error if no saddle point is found
m.saddlePointOfMatrix(vector <vector <int>> v)
if clockwise is false then it will print in anti clock wise direction
m.printMatrixInSpiralForm(vector <vector<int>> a , string sep = " " , bool clockWise = true)
creating a object for using methods
SpecialMatrix sm;
returns a reduced 1d array from diagonal type matrix
reduced = sm.diagonalMatrix(vector <vector <int>> v)
returns a reduced 1d array from tridiagonal type matrix
mapping = 0 for row wise , 1 for coloumn vise , 2 for diagonal vise
reduced = sm.triDiagonalMatrix(vector <vector <int>> v , int mapping = 0)
returns a reduced 1d array from triangular type matrix
0 for row mapping , 1 for col mapping
set lowerTriangular = true for lower tiangular mat else make it false for upper trianglar mat
reduced = sm.triangularMatrix(vector <vector <int>> v , int mapping = 0 , int lowerTriangular = false)
#include "matrixOperations.h"
using namespace std;
void forMatrixClass_saddlePoint()
vector <vector <int>> array;
Matrix m;
cout<<"input the 3 by 3 matrix"<<endl;
array = m.input2dArray(3 , 3);
cout<<"\n initial Array = "<<endl;
int saddlePoint = 0;
saddlePoint = m.saddlePointOfMatrix(array);
cout<<"\n saddle point = "<<saddlePoint;
void forMatrixClass_spiralmatrix()
vector <vector <int>> array;
Matrix m;
cout<<"input the 4 by 4 matrix"<<endl;
array = m.input2dArray(4 , 4);
cout<<"\n initial Array = "<<endl;
cout<<"\n spiral form = "<<endl;
void forMatrixClass_spiralmatrix_anticlock()
vector <vector <int>> array;
Matrix m;
cout<<"input the 4 by 4 matrix"<<endl;
array = m.input2dArray(4 , 4);
cout<<"\n initial Array = "<<endl;
cout<<"\n spiral form = "<<endl;
m.printMatrixInSpiralForm(array , " " , false);
void forMatrixClass_tarnsposeMatrix()
vector <vector <int>> array;
Matrix m;
cout<<"input the 3 by 3 matrix"<<endl;
array = m.input2dArray(3 , 3);
cout<<"\n initial Array = "<<endl;
cout<<"\n matrix after transpose = "<<endl;
vector <vector <int>> transposedArray;
transposedArray = m.transposeMatrix(array);
void forMatrixClass_multiplyMatrix()
vector <vector <int>> array1;
vector <vector <int>> array2;
Matrix m;
cout<<"input the 2 by 3 matrix 1"<<endl;
array1 = m.input2dArray(2 , 3);
cout<<"input the 3 by 2 matrix 2"<<endl;
array2 = m.input2dArray(3 , 2);
cout<<"\n initial Array 1 = "<<endl;
cout<<"\n initial Array 1 = "<<endl;
cout<<"\n matrix after multiplication = "<<endl;
vector <vector <int>> multiplyResult;
multiplyResult = m.multiply2Matrix(array1 , array2);
void forMatrixClass_addMatrix()
vector <vector <int>> array1;
vector <vector <int>> array2;
Matrix m;
cout<<"input the 2 by 3 matrix 1"<<endl;
array1 = m.input2dArray(2 , 3);
cout<<"input the 3 by 2 matrix 2"<<endl;
array2 = m.input2dArray(3 , 2);
cout<<"\n initial Array 1 = "<<endl;
cout<<"\n initial Array 1 = "<<endl;
cout<<"\n matrix after addition = "<<endl;
vector <vector <int>> multiplyResult;
multiplyResult = m.add2Matrix(array1 , array2);
void forSpecialMatrixClass_diagonalMatrix()
vector <vector <int>> array;
SpecialMatrix sm;
Matrix m;
cout<<"input the 3 by 3 matrix"<<endl;
array = m.input2dArray(3 , 3);
cout<<"\n initial diagonal matrix = "<<endl;
vector <int> reducedarray;
reducedarray = sm.diagonalMatrix(array);
cout<<"\n reduced Array from diagonal matrix = "<<endl;
for(int i=0 ; i<reducedarray.size() ; i++)
cout<<reducedarray[i]<<" ";
void forSpecialMatrixClass_triDiagonalMatrix()
vector <vector <int>> array;
SpecialMatrix sm;
Matrix m;
cout<<"input the 4 by 4 matrix"<<endl;
array = m.input2dArray(4 , 4);
cout<<"\n initial triDiagonal matrix = "<<endl;
vector <int> reducedarray;
reducedarray = sm.triDiagonalMatrix(array , 0);
cout<<"\n reduced Array from triDiagonal matrix using row mapping = "<<endl;
for(int i=0 ; i<reducedarray.size() ; i++)
cout<<reducedarray[i]<<" ";
reducedarray = sm.triDiagonalMatrix(array , 1);
cout<<"\n reduced Array from triDiagonal matrix using coloumn mapping = "<<endl;
for(int i=0 ; i<reducedarray.size() ; i++)
cout<<reducedarray[i]<<" ";
reducedarray = sm.triDiagonalMatrix(array , 2);
cout<<"\n reduced Array from triDiagonal matrix using diagonal mapping = "<<endl;
for(int i=0 ; i<reducedarray.size() ; i++)
cout<<reducedarray[i]<<" ";
void forSpecialMatrixClass_triangularMatrixLower()
vector <vector <int>> array;
SpecialMatrix sm;
Matrix m;
cout<<"input the lower triangular 4 by 4 matrix"<<endl;
array = m.input2dArray(4 , 4);
cout<<"\n initial triangular matrix = "<<endl;
vector <int> reducedarray;
reducedarray = sm.triangularMatrix(array , 0 , true);
cout<<"\n reduced Array from lowerTriangular matrix using row mapping = "<<endl;
for(int i=0 ; i<reducedarray.size() ; i++)
cout<<reducedarray[i]<<" ";
reducedarray = sm.triangularMatrix(array , 1 , true);
cout<<"\n reduced Array from lowerTriangular matrix using coloumn mapping = "<<endl;
for(int i=0 ; i<reducedarray.size() ; i++)
cout<<reducedarray[i]<<" ";
void forSpecialMatrixClass_triangularMatrixUpper()
vector <vector <int>> array;
SpecialMatrix sm;
Matrix m;
cout<<"input the upper triangular 4 by 4 matrix"<<endl;
array = m.input2dArray(4 , 4);
cout<<"\n initial triangular matrix = "<<endl;
vector <int> reducedarray;
reducedarray = sm.triangularMatrix(array , 0);
cout<<"\n reduced Array from upperTriangular matrix using row mapping = "<<endl;
for(int i=0 ; i<reducedarray.size() ; i++)
cout<<reducedarray[i]<<" ";
reducedarray = sm.triangularMatrix(array , 1);
cout<<"\n reduced Array from upperTriangular matrix using coloumn mapping = "<<endl;
for(int i=0 ; i<reducedarray.size() ; i++)
cout<<reducedarray[i]<<" ";
//for testing purpose
int main()
// call function here
return 0;