Word data base with over 600 thousand words with frequency each word occur while making the database using legal scrapping.
blog - https://www.blog.letscodeofficial.com/@harshnative/600-thousand-english-words-dataset-database/
Download the words.db from github repo.
You can open the .db file from any programming language which supports sqlite database or use sqlite db browser.
words are arranged in tables according to word length example words having length 5 are in table 5.
each table as two column containing the word and frequency of that word i.e how common the word is on internet.
Download the wordsChar.csv or wordsFreq.csv from the github repo.
wordsChar is sorted by the characters like a at first and z at last and then sorted according to length.
wordsFreq is sorted by the frequency in desending order and then sorted according to length.
Download the wordsChar.json or wordsFreq.json from the github repo.
wordsChar is sorted by the characters like a at first and z at last and then sorted according to length.
wordsFreq is sorted by the frequency in desending order and then sorted according to length.