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📍 About

Sudoku solver in Pascal. The program will attempt to solve a user-provided sudoku board. It can also log all actions and the resultant board to an external file.

Sorry, the code is horrifying, I know. The design principal was to get the algroithms working, rather than to make them clean and sustainable. Attempting to improve the code may only lead to more frustration than you have now.

🧪 Algorithms

Naked Hidden Intersections Wings Fish
Naked single Hidden single Pointing pair XY-Wing X-Wing
Naked pair Hidden pair Pointing triple XYZ-Wing Swordfish
Naked triple Hidden triple Claiming pair Jellyfish
Naked quad Hidden quad Visual elimination

💡 Execution Instructions


  • Run launcher.ps1; or
  • Run sudoku.exe in a terminal; or
  • provide arguments: sudoku.exe VERBOSE THEME INTERACTIVE SUDOKUGRID

GUI Demo (Windows-only):

  • Run GUI\GUI_launcher.ps1

🖊️ Build Instructions

Compile sudoku.pas with a compiler of your choice. The official Windows binary is built with FPC. Tested on Windows 7, 10 and 11.

The GUI demo is made with Powershell and WPF. It is Windows-only. Tested on Windows 7, 10 and 11.