The repository provides an example React application that uses Mobx state management library with Clean Architecture applied.
- Independent and reusable code units with separated concerns.
- Unified control and data flow.
- Testable code.
- Reduced cognitive overload when working with a codebase.
- Business Entity: Unit that encapsulates business rules and data.
- Business Rules and Data: The most general and high-level rules and data that are presentation-agnostic. They are the least likely to change when something external changes.
- Presentation (UI) Entity: Unit that encapsulates presentation rules and data.
- Presentation Rules and Data: Rules and data that represent how the UI is currently displayed.
- Store: An aggregate unit with set of business and/or presentation entities and/or gateways and/or other stores.
- State: The value of a store, which is often an object.
- Valid State: One of a finite number of store values that is conceptually considered valid.
- View Model: The state transformed into a form required for presentation in a view (e.g. a React Component).
- Gateway: Unit that provides external services (stateful, switches services, maps data, caches data).
- Selector: Unit that derives additional values from the state as needed.
- Transaction: Unit with a logic that transitions a store between two valid states.
- Effect: Unit with a logic that communicates with external systems and services through a gateway.
- Use Case: Unit that orchestrates the flow of data with the help of effects, transactions and selectors.
- Controller: An adapter unit that handles input from the view and converts it into a state change with the help of use cases (the public interface consists of methods decorated with
). - Presenter: An adapter unit that handles the state and converts it into view models for the view with the help of selectors (the public interface consists of getters decorated with
Dependency graph of the code units.
Detailed dependency graph can be found here.
Dependency, data and events flow inside a React component
Architecture diagram
- OrderItemModel
- DeleteOrderTransactions
- TotalOrderItemQuantitySelectorOptimized
- TotalOrderItemQuantitySelector
- TotalOrderItemQuantitySelectorNotOptimized
- DeleteOrderUseCase
- DeleteOrderUseCaseWithInnerUnits
- DeleteOrderUseCaseWithExtractedUnits
- DeleteItemByIdUseCase
- DestroyModuleUseCase
- OrderItem
- OrderItemWithNullAdapter
- OrderItemWithOnlyDefinedAdapterInterface
- OrderItemWithCombinedAdapter
- OrderItemWithSplitAdapter
- OrderItemWithSplitExtractedAdapter
- OrderItemWithCombinedPropsObservableState
- OrderItemWithUseCase
- OrderItemWithSelector
- OrderItemController
- Orders
- DeleteOrderEffect
- HybridOrdersGateway
- LocalOrdersGateway
For the units implementation, it is suggested to use Cluster Lifecycle model described in this article, where generalization is important and mandatory step.
├── api
│ ├── api.types.ts
│ ├── httpClient
│ │ └── httpClient.ts
│ ├── OrdersApi
│ │ ├── OrdersApi.factory.ts
│ │ ├── OrdersApi.ts
│ │ └── OrdersApi.types.ts
│ └── ServiceApi
│ ├── ServiceApi.ts
│ └── ServiceApi.types.ts
├── contexts
│ └── OrdersStoreContext.ts
├── drivers
│ └── OrdersDriver.ts
├── effects
│ └── DeleteOrderEffect
│ └── DeleteOrderEffect.ts
├── gateways
│ ├── HybridOrdersGateway
│ │ ├── HybridOrdersGateway.ts
│ │ ├── LocalOrdersGateway
│ │ │ └── LocalOrdersGateway.ts
│ │ └── RemoteOrdersGateway
│ │ ├── RemoteOrdersGateway.ts
│ │ ├── RemoteOrdersGateway.types.ts
│ │ └── RemoteOrdersGateway.utils.ts
│ └── RemoteServiceGateway
│ ├── RemoteServiceGatewayStub.ts
│ └── RemoteServiceGateway.ts
├── models
│ ├── OrderItemModel
│ │ ├── OrderItemModelCollection.ts
│ │ ├── OrderItemModel.factory.ts
│ │ └── OrderItemModel.ts
│ ├── OrderModel
│ │ ├── OrderModelCollection.ts
│ │ ├── OrderModel.factory.ts
│ │ └── OrderModel.ts
│ ├── OrdersCancelEffects.ts
│ └── OrdersPresentationModel
│ ├── OrdersPresentationModel.factory.ts
│ └── OrdersPresentationModel.ts
├── selectors
│ ├── ItemByIdSelector
│ │ └── ItemByIdSelector.ts
│ ├── OrderByIdSelector
│ │ └── OrderByIdSelector.ts
│ └── TotalOrderItemQuantitySelector
│ ├── TotalOrderItemQuantitySelectorNotOptimized.ts
│ ├── TotalOrderItemQuantitySelectorOptimized.ts
│ └── TotalOrderItemQuantitySelectorSingleton.ts
├── stores
│ ├── OrdersStore.factory.ts
│ └── OrdersStore.ts
├── transactions
│ └── DeleteOrderTransactions
│ └── DeleteOrderTransactions.ts
├── types
│ ├── aggregates
│ │ └── OrdersAggregate.ts
│ ├── entities
│ │ ├── OrderEntity
│ │ │ ├── OrderEntityCollection.ts
│ │ │ └── OrderEntity.ts
│ │ ├── OrderItemEntity
│ │ │ ├── OrderItemEntityCollection.ts
│ │ │ └── OrderItemEntity.ts
│ │ └── OrdersPresentationEntity.ts
│ ├── gateways
│ │ ├── OrdersGateway.ts
│ │ └── ServiceGateway.ts
│ └── OrdersCancelEffectCollection.ts
├── useCases
│ ├── DeleteItemByIdUseCase
│ │ ├── DeleteItemByIdUseCaseFactored.ts
│ │ └── DeleteItemByIdUseCasePlain.ts
│ ├── DeleteOrderUseCase
│ │ ├── DeleteOrderUseCaseWithExtractedUnits.ts
│ │ └── DeleteOrderUseCaseWithInnerUnits.ts
│ ├── DestroyModuleUseCase
│ │ └── DestroyModuleUseCase.ts
│ ├── LoadOrdersUseCase
│ │ └── LoadOrdersUseCase.ts
│ ├── PollingOrdersUseCase
│ │ └── PollingOrdersUseCase.ts
│ └── UpdateOrderUseCase
│ └── UpdateOrderUseCase.ts
└── views
└── containers
├── Order
│ ├── OrderAdapter
│ │ ├── OrderController.ts
│ │ └── OrderPresenter.ts
│ └── Order.tsx
├── OrderItem
│ ├── OrderItemWithCombinedAdapter
│ │ └── OrderItem.tsx
│ ├── OrderItemWithCombinedPropsObservableState
│ │ ├── OrderItemAdapter
│ │ │ ├── OrderItemController.ts
│ │ │ └── OrderItemPresenter.ts
│ │ └── OrderItem.tsx
│ ├── OrderItemWithNullAdapter
│ │ └── OrderItem.tsx
│ ├── OrderItemWithOnlyDefinedAdapterInterface
│ │ ├── OrderItem.tsx
│ │ └── OrderItem.types.tsx
│ ├── OrderItemWithSelector
│ │ ├── OrderItemAdapter
│ │ │ ├── OrderItemController.ts
│ │ │ ├── OrderItemPresenterWithExtractedSelector.ts
│ │ │ └── OrderItemPresenterWithInnerSelector.ts
│ │ └── OrderItem.tsx
│ ├── OrderItemWithSplitAdapter
│ │ └── OrderItem.tsx
│ ├── OrderItemWithSplitExtractedAdapter
│ │ ├── OrderItemAdapter
│ │ │ ├── OrderItemController.ts
│ │ │ └── OrderItemPresenter.ts
│ │ └── OrderItem.tsx
│ └── OrderItemWithUseCase
│ ├── OrderItemAdapter
│ │ ├── OrderItemControllerWithExtractedUseCase.ts
│ │ ├── OrderItemControllerWithInnerUseCase.ts
│ │ └── OrderItemPresenter.ts
│ └── OrderItem.tsx
└── Orders
├── Orders.tsx
└── Orders.utils.ts